2009-05-19 12:24:30Momo~
Montmartre Cafe 夜裡訪吧~
夜裡不敢獨自外出 邀了朋友Ginny與女兒一起前往
過了午夜十二點 路上只有小貓兩三隻
老師還在大學唸書的女兒在吧表演 整場坐無虛席
有著日本 義大利 加拿大三國混血的她 氣質優雅 歌聲很有磁性 待人很親切
這樣的氣氛 適合飲酒 只可惜我要開車 點了杯咖啡望酒興嘆囉!
另一個表演音樂的團體 小提琴手個子雖嬌小 但爆發力十足!
她整個很投入 偶爾眉頭深鎖 表情十足 愛爾蘭音樂現場震撼!!讓人體會音樂之美~~
現場聽眾都跟著打節拍 音樂讓人想舞動!!
老師忍不住起來跳了段舞 大家都跟著笑了起來~~
天花板上掛著復古的腳踏車 裝潢風格獨特
營業時間 星期二到星期日晚五點半起~
Montmartre Cafe | ||||||||||||||
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Cafe Culture Tucked away on the quiet end of Main Street, Cafe Montmartre is a long, narrow hideaway that harkens back to the days when neighbourhood radicals philosophized over glasses of red wine while nodding along to jazz standards performed by whiskey-soaked divas. Those days may have never existed in Vancouver but that doesn't stop Cafe Montmartre from creating a credible romantic nostalgia vibe. Food & Culture The cafe's walls are lined with photos and vintage French print ads, the drink list includes Pernod and well-chosen budget reds and a small stage at the front is used nightly for live music, book readings and poetry. The clientele here is arty and the scene is definitely literary. Best of all, this cafe obviously takes its food seriously. Though mainly French, the fare here does not adhere to the sauce-laden small-portion school of French cooking. The food covers all the unpretentious basics; chunks of brie served with warm baguette, potatoes cut in generous chunks and baked in olive oil, with garlic and herbs. Follow Up With Some Dessert On the dessert list, grown-up sundaes (featuring liquers rather than syrup) you can get crepes drenched in dark chocolate, nuts, brandy, and spiked with orange zest - the kind of dessert that works miracles when you're searching for an upscale sugar rush. | ||||||||||||||
Cross Street: 28th Avenue Hours: Tuesday – Sunday 5:30 - late. Atmosphere: Good For Groups, Romantic Spot Cuisine Type: French Meal Type: Dinner Amenity: Live Entertainment | ||||||||||||||
Have something to say or sing? : The first & third Sunday of each month are open Mic night here. |