2003-05-16 12:06:20lostsoul



Helen 說:
yeah. I know..
yeah right 說:
so, how r u
yeah right 說:
be careful neh
Helen 說:
I haven't been out to city for 1 month
Helen 說:
I am ok...
Helen 說:
want to quit the job..
Helen 說:
but don't know when to tell my boss...
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
i have quit
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
Helen 說:
which one?
yeah right 說:
dental one
Helen 說:
the day job right?
yeah right 說:
Helen 說:
I told me that
Helen 說:
yeah right 說:
i no job now
Helen 說:
yeah right 說:
problems there loh
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
i am taking driving's written exam at 1
Helen 說:
oh.. good
Helen 說:
what is the main problem?
yeah right 說:
i think the main problem being my female boss have memory deficit
Helen 說:
oh.... that is really bad.... and does she blame you on something?
yeah right 說:
all the time
Helen 說:
that is bad
yeah right 說:
not in the bad way
yeah right 說:
but it's annoying
Helen 說:
Helen 說:
can understand
yeah right 說:
no matter what the problem is, she'd always go: u did this, didn't u? u lost it didn't u.. etc
yeah right 說:
not only to me, but to everybody
yeah right 說:
so i guess it is the way she is
yeah right 說:
and she doesn't mean to be mean
yeah right 說:
but i just can't take it loh
yeah right 說:
things went really worng this monday
yeah right 說:
cus i have been having slight fever and so i didn't go to work on saturday
yeah right 說:
she called on sunday checking if i was ok, and asked whether i can make it on mondy( we have a international call conference on monday)
yeah right 說:
i told her taht i can make it, but she said that ppl in the company are worried becasue of SARS
yeah right 說:
so maybe it's better that i don't go in for now
yeah right 說:
so sure, it's ok right?
yeah right 說:
then just b4 she ended the call, she went: so.. we have to cancel the meeting if u can't come
yeah right 說:
that's when i got pissed off
yeah right 說:
I SAID i can make it, she was the one who told me not to come into the company.
yeah right 說:
but then i still kept quiet.
yeah right 說:
the next day, monday morning, she called again.
Helen 說:
I know there are this kind of ppl around us
yeah right 說:
saying, well, we think u'd still better come since the meeting is very important
yeah right 說:
and we don't really want to postpone it
yeah right 說:
i snapped
yeah right 說:
and told her, 妳叫我來我就來,去就去嗎,沒這樣的事
yeah right 說:
that's when i told her i want to quit all together
yeah right 說:
Helen 說:
haha..... u snapped the phone?
yeah right 說:
we spent toally 1.5 hours on the phone
yeah right 說:
also her husband talked to me
Helen 說:
yeah right 說:
and he asked me to go in later that day
yeah right 說:
at 7
yeah right 說:
so i went
Helen 說:
they asking u to stay?
yeah right 說:
he said, the reason
yeah right 說:
yeah, kinda
yeah right 說:
the reason he wanted me to come in in the eveing is because they still havn't cancel
yeah right 說:
the meeting
yeah right 說:
i stopped him there and told him there is no way taht i am goign to do that for them
yeah right 說:
it doesn't work like taht
yeah right 說:
and then we spent 2 hours talking
yeah right 說:
i still insisted on leaving
yeah right 說:
and leaving right there and then
yeah right 說:
she said at least i have to help them until they find the next person
Helen 說:
yeah right 說:
U SEE! it's all about themselves!!
Helen 說:
all the company say that
yeah right 說:
i told her taht翻譯社 also do that kinda service, she can ask them for that
Helen 說:
even my company ..... and I can't find my job when I am stil in the company even I told them I was quit
yeah right 說:
i mean, then they r to fire somebody, would they wait for u to find the next job??
Helen 說:
no... exactly
yeah right 說:
and there is no way taht i can carry on going in after all that mess
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
i left
yeah right 說:
the end.
Helen 說:
didn't go for the meeting?
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
too bad.
yeah right 說:
i wanted to go in despite my illness
yeah right 說:
they messed taht up themselves
yeah right 說:
can't blame anybody
Helen 說:
so.. did they pay you what u should get?
yeah right 說:
and i really can't care less anyway.
yeah right 說:
not until next month loh
yeah right 說:
and even if they don't i would't give a toss
Helen 說:
if I do that to my company... they won't pay me the salary of the month
yeah right 說:
then, u know, there is one point less for u to hang on there.
yeah right 說:
yeah right 說:
i am just being very cynical..
yeah right 說:
Helen 說:
I have to go now..
Helen 說:
talk to u later