2013-06-27 21:57:13 Joshuachang


第二週 • 週四












     作爲神聖的供備,基督對我們是神的能力(林前一24上),以執行且完成祂所計劃並定意的。…基督也是從神給我們的智慧(24 下、30 下)。一天又一天,我們需要基督作我們的智慧。基督作智慧,該不斷的從神流到我們,作我們經歷上現實和實際的智慧(一九九○年秋全時間訓練信息合輯,一五四至一五六、一六○至一六二頁)。


WEEK 2 — DAY 4

Morning Nourishment

1 Tim. 3:16 "And confessedly, great is the mystery of godliness: He who was manifested in the flesh, justified
                         in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in

Col. 1:27 "To whom God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the
                     Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."

     God has been manifested in the flesh. Such a statement refers not only to Christ but also to the church. The church is a group of men of flesh who manifest God. It is God manifested in corporate flesh. How could God be thus manifested? It is by our taking Him in and being filled with Him.

     This is your God and my God. It was Paul's God. Before his conversion,Paul's God was far away in the heavens. Now the very God of the apostle is the God who in resurrection through Jesus Christ is making His home in your being, that He might saturate you, even express Himself from within you. (The Completing Ministry of Paul, p. 79)

Today's Reading

     To practice living in God's presence all day long...[is a teaching] according to the Old Testament. In the New Testament there is no such term as living in God's presence. The New Testament tells us to walk in spirit (Rom. 8:4).Rather than practicing the presence of God, we live one spirit with Him (1 Cor. 6:17). Do you see the difference? Walking with God seems wonderful, but it is an Old Testament concept. In the New Testament we are one with God. When I walk, He walks with me; when He walks, I walk with Him.

     Too many Christians today treasure the still small voice; they think this is the way the Lord leads them. Again, this is an Old Testament concept (1 Kings 19:12). There is no need for us to listen for a still small voice. We have the indwelling (Rom. 8:11) and the anointing, which abides in us (1 John 2:27). This is far higher than the still small voice. In the time of the Old Testament God had not yet entered into man. In our day, however, God in resurrection through Christ has entered into us as the Spirit, is now indwelling us, is one with us, and has made us one spirit with Himself! (The Completing Ministry of Paul, pp. 82-83)

     Christ is the God-allotted portion to the saints. In the Bible, Christ is likened to the good land. When the children of Israel entered into the good land, they allotted the land to the twelve tribes, so every tribe received a lot. Today every saint has received a"lot," a portion, of Christ. Christ is our allotted portion from
God. Christ is not only our life and our Savior, but also our lot, our portion.

     As the God-allotted portion to us, Christ is our life (Col. 3:4a). Life is the top enjoyment. If our life is gone, all of our enjoyment is finished....It is a fact that we have Christ as our life, but some may wonder how we can prove this fact. All of us have our physical life, but this life is not something which we can show others. Life is unseen; it is invisible. Life cannot be seen, but the activities of life are strong proofs that someone has life....Our being so living, so active, and so aggressive for the Lord is a proof that we have His life. His life within energizes us. Many times I feel tired, but when I am ministering the word, the Lord supplies me with His life, and I am full of the energy of His life. Our being so active in Christ and for Christ shows that we have Christ as our life.

     Christ is in us as the hope of glory (Col. 1:27). Christ is not only life to us today but also our glory in the future. Our hope is for our body to be saturated with Christ's glorious, splendid element. This will be the
redemption of our body, the transfiguration of our body.

     As the divine provision, Christ is God's power to us (1 Cor. 1:24a) for carrying out and accomplishing what He has planned and purposed....Christ is also wisdom to us from God (1 Cor. 1:24b, 30b). Day by day we need Christ to be wisdom to us. Christ as wisdom should unceasingly flow from God to us to be our present and practical wisdom in our experience. (Messages to the Trainees in Fall 1990, pp. 134-136, 139-140)

     Further Reading: Messages to the Trainees in Fall 1990, ch. 18