2013-07-01 22:49:07 Joshuachang


第三週 • 週一


羅八 10『但基督若在你們裏面,身體固然因罪是死的,靈卻因義是生命。』

約十四 16『我要求父,祂必賜給你們另一位保惠師,叫祂永遠與你們同在。』

    信基督最寶貴的點,就是把祂接受到我們的裏面來。這雖是純正奧祕的真理,今天卻被一般基督徒所忽畧。他們說,基督今天是坐在天上的寶座上,並沒有住在信祂的人裏面。但是聖經說,基督現今在天上神的右邊,同時也住在信祂的人裏面(羅八 34、10)。我們的經歷也能證實,基督今天的確是在我們裏面。主耶穌當初雖然與門徒同在、同行、同住、同活,卻沒有辦法進到他們裏面。所以祂要去轉一下,就是祂要去死而復活;祂復活後還要回來,好進到門徒們裏面。…這位原是在門徒身外的保惠師,現今藉着死而復活的過程,就能進到他們裏面,成了他們裏面的保惠師(主觀經歷內住的基督,三三、三五頁)。




    基 督 在 復 活 裏 成 了 賜 生 命 的 靈( 林 前 十 五45)。這不是一件容易的事情;反之,這是一件

    基督的復活就是祂變化形像成爲賜生命的靈。祂原是在肉體裏的基督,但祂已變化形像成爲是靈的基督(pneumatic Christ),就是賜生命之靈的基督。…在祂死而復活以前,祂曾在變化山上改變形像。然而,那次改變形像是暫時的。祂真正的變化形像是祂的復活,因爲在復活裏,祂成了賜生命的靈(新約總論第三冊,三一○頁)。



WEEK 3 — DAY 1

Morning Nourishment

Rom. 8:10 "But if Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is life because
                       of righteousness."

John 14:16 "And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter, that He may be
                        with you forever."

    The most precious result of our faith in Christ is that we receive Him into us. Although this is the pure and unadulterated yet mystical truth, it has been neglected by most Christians. They say that today Christ is sitting on the throne in heaven and that He does not dwell in His believers. The Bible tells us, however, that today Christ is in heaven on the right hand of God but at the same time He also dwells in His believers (Rom. 8:34, 10). Our experience also
confirms that Christ is indeed in us today. In those days the Lord Jesus was with His disciples and He walked, stayed, and lived with them, but He could not enter into them. Therefore, He had to go and have a change through death and resurrection; in His resurrection He would come back to enter into His disciples....The Comforter who was formerly outside the disciples could now enter into them to be the Comforter within them through the process of death
and resurrection. (The Subjective Experience of the Indwelling Christ, pp. 33-35)

Today's Reading

    Today the key point, the most important point, in our enjoyment of Christ's salvation is the indwelling Christ. Christ has ascended to heaven, but at the same time He is also dwelling in us. On the one hand, He is in heaven interceding for us as our great High Priest, our Advocate, to carry out God's economy. On the other hand, He is the all-inclusive indwelling Christ who
dwells in us as our Comforter to be our life and all of our supply.

    The Lord Jesus was originally the Comforter outside of us, but after His death and resurrection He became the Spirit of reality to come into us to be the Comforter inside of us. This indwelling Christ is our life and our person. (The Subjective Experience of the Indwelling Christ, pp. 40-41)

    In resurrection Christ became the life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45). This was not an easy matter; on the contrary, it was a great work. In order to accomplish the work of becoming the life-giving Spirit, the Lord Jesus had to pass through death and then, in resurrection, do certain wonderful things. Now He is the Spirit who gives life, the Spirit who imparts life to us, the
Spirit who dispenses Himself as life into the believers.

    Christ's resurrection was His transfiguration into the life-giving Spirit. He was Christ in the flesh, but He has been transfigured into the pneumatic Christ,  the  Christ  who  is  the  life-giving  Spirit....Before  His  death  and resurrection He was transfigured on the Mount of Transfiguration. However, that transfiguration was temporary. His actual transfiguration was His resurrection, for in resurrection He became the life-giving Spirit. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 797)

    [In John 14:16]"another Comforter" means that the Son was already there as the first Comforter. The Son was a Comforter, but the Son asked the Father to give the disciples another Comforter. This may sound like there are two Comforters. Actually, 14:16-20 shows us that the other Comforter to be given was the reality of the Comforter who was asking the Father.
The Comforter was there talking to the disciples and was there asking the Father to give them another Comforter. This other Comforter is the Spirit of reality. Verse 17 says,"Even the Spirit of reality, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not behold Him or know Him; but you know Him, because He abides with you and shall be in you." This verse reveals a great
advancement because the original Comforter was only abiding with the disciples, but not in the disciples. By that time the Son was only able to be with the disciples, but He was unable to be in them. The other Comforter, however, would not only be with the disciples but would also be in the disciples. (God's New Testament Economy, p. 70)

    Further Reading: The Subjective Experience of the Indwelling Christ, chs. 3-4