2013-08-01 11:33:11
讀經:創一 1 ~ 31
綱 目
週 一
壹 在神的恢復與進一步的創造之第一日,靈、話和光,是神爲着完成祂定旨所用以產生生命的憑藉;靈、
話和光,都是屬於生命—創一 1 ~ 5,羅八 2,腓二 16,約八 12 下:
一 基督是靈,乃是神的實際—羅八 9 ~ 10,林後三 17,約十六 13 ~ 15:
1 神的靈作爲生命之靈(羅八 2)覆罩在死水之上,以產生生命,特別爲着神的定旨產生人(創一 2,
二 7,一 26)。
2 在屬靈經歷中,靈的來到是產生生命的第一條件—約六 63 上,十六 8 ~ 11。
二 基督是話,乃是神的說話—一 1,來一 2:
1 靈覆罩之後,神的話來到,帶進光—創一 3,林後四 6,參詩一一九 105、130。
2 在屬靈經歷中,話的來到是產生生命的第二條件—約五 24,六 63 下。
三 基督是光,乃是神的照耀(創一 3 ~ 5,約一 1、4 ~ 5,八 12 上,九 5);在屬靈經歷中,光的來
到是產生生命的第三條件(太四 13 ~ 16,約一 1 ~ 13)。
四 光暗分開,是爲着區分晝夜,這是產生生命的第四條件—創一 4 ~ 5,林後六 14 下。
週 二
貳 在第二日,在諸水之間造出廣闊的空間,將諸水分開,在屬靈上表徵藉着十字架的工作,將屬天的事
與屬地的事分開;這是產生生命的第五條件—創一 6 ~ 8,西三 1 ~ 3,來四 12。
參 旱地露出來,是產生生命的第六條件;這事發生在第三日,與復活之日相符—創一 9 ~ 13,林前十
五 4:
一 在聖經裏,海代表死,地代表基督是產生生命的源頭;地露出來以後,各種生命—植物生命、動物生
命、甚至人的生命—都從地裏產生出來(創一 11 ~ 12、24 ~ 27,二 7);這豫表神聖生命同其一
二 在第三日,基督在復活裏從死而出,以產生生命,爲着構成召會—約十二 24,彼前一 3。
週 三
三 把地和水分開,表徵把生命和死亡分開;從第二日起(創一 6 ~ 7),神開始作工,拘束並限制遮蓋
地的死水(參耶五 22):
1 至終,當神的工作完成時,在新天新地裏就不再有海—啓二一 1 與恢復本註 3。
2 不僅如此,在新耶路撒冷裏也不再有黑夜—25 節與恢復本註 2。
3 這意思是,死亡和黑暗都被除滅了。
四 植物生命是最低等的生命,是無意識的生命,相當於剛重生的信徒裏面神聖生命最初的階段—創一
11,參林前三 6:
1 植物生命無數的種類,豫表基督生命那追測不盡之豐富的豐富彰顯,包括其悅人眼目的美麗(創二
9),其芬芳(歌一 12 ~ 13),及其對人和動物的滋養(創一 29 ~ 30)。
2 樹木(二 9,出十五 23 ~ 25,歌二 3,五 15,賽十一 1,約十五 1,啓二二 2)、花(歌一 14)以
及作人食物(約六 9、13)並獻給神之祭物(利二1 ~ 3、14)的穀類,都是基督的豫表。
週 四
肆 第四日出現的光體,是產生生命的第七條件,爲要產生較高等的生命—創一 14 ~ 19:
一 按照整本聖經的啓示,光是爲着生命;光和
生命總是並行的—詩三六 9,太四 16,約一
4,八 12,約壹一 1 ~ 7。
二 生命在於光,光越高,生命就越高:
1 第一日不確定的光(創一 3),足以產生最低等的
詩一三六 7 ~ 9)更扎實且更確定的光,是產生較
2 這表徵爲着我們屬靈的重生,『第一日』的光就足
3 光體是爲着作記號,定節令、日子、年歲(創一
14),這些都是基督的影兒—西二 16 ~ 17。
三 太陽(詩一三六 8)表徵基督(瑪四 2,路
一 78 ~ 79,太四 16,弗五 14);主耶穌
也將得勝的聖徒比作太陽(太十三 43)。
四 月亮(詩一三六 9)可視爲召會—基督妻子—
的表號(參創三七 9,歌六 10):
1 月亮本身並不發光,卻在夜間因着返照太陽的光而
2 照樣,召會也因着返照基督神聖的光,而在召會時
代的黑夜裏發光照耀—林後三 18,參腓二 15。
五 眾星首先表徵基督,然後表徵得勝者—民
二四 17,彼後一 19,啓二二 16,但十二 3:
1 雖然基督是真太陽,在現今這夜晚的時代,祂並非顯出如太陽,卻照耀如明亮的晨星—啓二二 16。
2 眾星也表徵得勝的聖徒—但十二 3,參啓一 20。
3 當月亮虧缺時,特別需要來自眾星的光;照樣,召會墮落的時候,特別需要得勝的聖徒照耀如天上的
眾星—二 7、11、17、26 ~ 28,三 5、12、20 ~ 21。
六 第四日的光體的管理,也加強創世記一章四節的光暗分開;二者都是生命長大的條件。
週 五
伍 第五日生出水中和空中的活物—20 ~23 節:
一 這是具有最低意識的動物生命,相當於信徒生命長大的第一步—參約壹二 13:
1 海裏的動物生命,豫表基督生命的豐富,在於有能力在祂的生活中勝過死(由鹽水所表徵);魚能生
世界的敗壞而『變鹹』—參約十四 30,十七 15 ~ 16。
2 海裏的動物生命,也給我們看見基督生命的豐富,在於以祂的豐富餧養人—六 9 上,二一 9。
二 禽鳥的生命比魚的生命高;魚能活在死水中,禽鳥則能超越死水:
1 信徒藉着在神聖生命裏長進,就能超越地的一切阻礙—賽四十 31。
2 禽鳥的生命豫表基督生命的豐富,見於祂是鷹,將神所救贖的人帶到祂的目的地(出十九 4,申三二
11 ~ 12,啓十二 14),並見於祂是斑鳩或鴿子,爲神子民的罪獻給神(利一 14,五 7)。
週 六
陸 第六日生出地上的活物—創一 24 ~31:
一 地上的牲畜和走獸,是比魚和禽鳥更高的生命,具有較高的意識,這生命能在地上成就一些事:
1 地上的走獸和牲畜,豫表基督生命的豐富,見於基督是得勝的獅子(啓五 5),爲神的經綸爭戰;見
於基督是羊和牛,爲着獻給神,以完成神完全的救贖(利一 2 ~ 3、10,三 1、6、12,四 3,五
6,約一 29,彼前一 19,啓五 6 ~ 9);也見於基督是公牛,爲着承擔責任並忠信勞苦,以完成神
的旨意(太二十 28,約五 17,六 38)。
2 在基督裏的信徒,藉着在神聖生命裏進一步的長大,就能在地上過一種對完成神旨意有用的生活—參
羅五 17,林前三 2,加六 2,林前十五 10、58。
二 人的生命是最高的受造生命,這生命有神的形像和樣式,可以彰顯神,並能爲神執掌管治權:
1 亞當,頭一個人,豫表基督(羅五 14,林前十五45、47,詩八 4 ~ 8,來二 6 ~ 9)是神創造的中
心(西一 16 ~ 17),是一切受造之物和眾人的元首(15,林前十一 3),在神的形像和樣式上是神
的彰顯(來一 3,林後四 4,西一 15),也是神的代表,管理神一切的造物(詩八 6 ~ 8,太二八
2 神的目的是要人有祂的形像彰顯祂,有祂的管治權代表祂,這不是在亞當這頭一個人(林前十五 45
上)—舊人(羅六 6)—身上得着完成,乃是在基督這第二個人(林前十五 47 下)—新人(弗二
15)—身上得着完成;這新人是由基督自己作頭,以及召會作祂的身體(一22 ~ 23,林前十二
12,西三 10 ~ 11)所組成的。
3 這要完全在得勝的信徒身上得着完成,他們活基督,作祂團體的彰顯(腓一 19 ~ 26),並要得着
權柄制伏列國,在千年國裏與基督一同作王(啓二26 ~ 27,二十 4、6)。
4 這要終極完成於新耶路撒冷,彰顯神的形像,有祂的榮耀和祂顯出的樣子(四 3 上,二一 11、18
上),並且運用神的神聖權柄,維持神對全宇宙的管治權,直到永遠(24,二二 5)。
The Experience of Christ as Life Portrayed in Genesis 1
Scripture Reading: Gen. 1:1-31
I. The Spirit, the word, and the light were the instruments used by God to generate life on the first day of His restoration and further creation for the fulfillment of His purpose; the Spirit, the word, and the light are all of life (Gen. 1:1-5; Rom. 8:2; Phil. 2:16; John 8:12b):
A. Christ as the Spirit is the reality of God (Rom. 8:9-10; 2 Cor. 3:17; John 16:13-15):
1. The Spirit of God, as the Spirit of life (Rom. 8:2), came to brood over the waters of death
in order to generate life, especially man, for God's purpose (Gen. 1:2; 2:7; 1:26).
2. In spiritual experience the Spirit's coming is the first requirement for generating life (John
6:63a; 16:8-11).
B. Christ as the Word is the speaking of God (1:1; Heb. 1:2):
1. After the Spirit's brooding, the word of God came to bring in the light (Gen. 1:3; 2 Cor. 4:6;
cf. Psa. 119:105, 130).
2. In spiritual experience the coming of the word is the second requirement for generating
life (John 5:24; 6:63b).
C. Christ as the light is the shining of God (Gen. 1:3-5; John 1:1, 4-5; 8:12a; 9:5); in spiritual experience the coming of the light is the third requirement for generating life (Matt. 4:13-16; John 1:1-13).
D. The separation of the light from the darkness for the purpose of discerning day from night is the fourth requirement for generating life (Gen. 1:4-5; 2 Cor. 6:14b).
II. The separating of the waters by producing an expanse between them on the second day, signifying, spiritually, the dividing of the heavenly things from the earthly things through the work of the cross, is the fifth requirement for generating life (Gen. 1:6-8; Col. 3:1-3; Heb. 4:12).
III. The appearing of the dry land is the sixth requirement for generating life; this took place on the third day, corresponding to the day of resurrection (Gen. 1:9-13; 1 Cor. 15:4):
A. In the Bible the sea represents death, and the land represents Christ as the generating source of life; after the land appeared, every kind of life—the plant life, the animal life, and even the human life—was produced out of the land (Gen. 1:11-12, 24-27; 2:7); this typifies that the divine life with all its riches comes out of Christ.
B. On the third day Christ came out of death in resurrection to generate life for the constituting of the church (John 12:24; 1 Pet. 1:3).
C. Dividing the land from the waters signifies separating life from death; from the second day (Gen. 1:6-7) God began to work to confine and limit the waters of death that covered the earth (cf. Jer. 5:22):
1. Eventually, when God's work is completed, in the new heaven and new earth there will be
no more sea (Rev. 21:1 and footnote 3, Recovery Version).
2. Furthermore, in the New Jerusalem there will be no more night (v. 25 and footnote 2).
3. This means that both death and darkness will be eliminated.
D. The plant life is the lowest form of life, a life without consciousness, corresponding to the earliest stage of the divine life in a newly regenerated believer (Gen. 1:11; cf. 1 Cor. 3:6):
1. The countless varieties of the plant life typify the rich expression of the unsearchable riches of the life of Christ in their beauty for man's sight (Gen. 2:9), in their fragrance (S.S. 1:12-13), and in their nourishing man and animals (Gen. 1:29-30).
2. The trees (2:9; Exo. 15:23-25; S.S. 2:3; 5:15; Isa. 11:1; John 15:1; Rev. 22:2), the flowers
(S.S. 1:14), and the grains as food for man (John 6:9, 13) and as offerings to God (Lev. 2:1-3, 14) are all types of Christ.
IV. The light-bearers appeared on the fourth day as the seventh requirement for generating life to produce the higher forms of life (Gen. 1:14-19):
A. According to the revelation of the whole Bible, light is for life; light and life always go together (Psa. 36:9; Matt. 4:16; John 1:4; 8:12; 1 John 1:1-7).
B. Life depends on light, and the higher the light, the higher the life:
1. The indefinite light of the first day (Gen. 1:3) was sufficient for generating the lowest forms of life; the more solid and more definite light from the light-bearers—the sun, the moon, and the stars (v. 16; Psa. 136:7-9)—on the fourth day was necessary for producing the higher forms of life, including the human life.
2. This signifies that for our spiritual rebirth, the light of the “first day” is sufficient, but for
the growth in the divine life unto maturity, more and stronger light, the light of the “fourth
day,” is needed.
3. The light-bearers were for signs, seasons, days, and years (Gen. 1:14), which are all shadows of Christ (Col. 2:16-17).
C. The sun (Psa. 136:8) signifies Christ (Mal. 4:2; Luke 1:78-79; Matt. 4:16; Eph. 5:14); the overcoming saints were also likened to the sun by the Lord Jesus (Matt. 13:43).
D. The moon (Psa. 136:9) can be considered a figure of the church, the wife of Christ (cf. Gen. 37:9; S.S. 6:10):
1. The moon has no light of its own but shines in the night and reflects the light of the sun.
2. Likewise, the church shines in the dark night of the church age by reflecting the divine
light of Christ (2 Cor. 3:18; cf. Phil. 2:15).
E. The stars first signify Christ and then the overcomers (Num. 24:17; 2 Pet. 1:19; Rev. 22:16; Dan. 12:3):
1. Although Christ is the real sun, He does not appear as the sun during the present age of night; rather, He shines as the bright morning star (Rev. 22:16).
2. The stars also signify the overcoming saints (Dan. 12:3; cf. Rev. 1:20).
3. The light from the stars is needed particularly when the moon wanes; likewise, the shining of the overcoming saints as the heavenly stars is needed particularly in the time of the church's degradation (2:7, 11, 17, 26-28; 3:5, 12, 20-21).
F. The ruling of the fourth-day light-bearers also strengthened the separating of the light from the darkness in Genesis 1:4; both are requirements for the growth in life.
V. The living creatures in the water and in the air were generated on the fifth day (vv. 20-23):
A. This is the animal life with the lowest consciousness, corresponding to the first step in the believers' growth in life (cf. 1 John 2:13):
1. The animal life in the sea typifies the riches of the life of Christ in the power that overcomes death (signified by the salt water) in His living; just as fish can live in salt water without becoming salty, Christ and His believers, who have the divine life, can live in the satanic world without being “salted” by the world's corruption (cf. John 14:30; 17:15-16).
2. The animal life in the sea also shows the riches of Christ's life in feeding man with His riches (6:9a; 21:9).
B. The bird life is higher than the fish life; fish can live in the death waters, but birds can transcend the death waters:
1. By growing further in the divine life, the believers are able to transcend all the
frustrations of the earth (Isa. 40:31).
2. The bird life typifies the riches of the life of Christ as seen in His being the eagle for carrying God's redeemed to His destination (Exo. 19:4; Deut. 32:11-12; Rev. 12:14) and in His being the turtledoves or pigeons for offering to God for the sins of God's people (Lev. 1:14; 5:7).
VI. The living creatures on the earth were generated on the sixth day (Gen. 1:24-31):
A. The cattle and the animals on the earth are a higher life with a higher consciousness than that of the fish and the birds, a life that can accomplish something on the earth:
1. The animals and the cattle on the land typify the riches of the life of Christ as seen in Christ as the conquering lion (Rev. 5:5) to fight for God's economy, as seen in Christ as the sheep and oxen for offering to God for the fulfillment of God's full redemption (Lev. 1:2-3, 10; 3:1, 6, 12; 4:3; 5:6; John 1:29; 1 Pet. 1:19; Rev. 5:6-9), and as seen in Christ as the ox to bear the responsibility and to labor faithfully for the accomplishing of God's will (Matt. 20:28; John 5:17; 6:38).
2. Through further growth in the divine life the believers in Christ are able to live on the earth a life that is useful for the fulfilling of God's will (cf. Rom. 5:17; 1 Cor. 3:2; Gal. 6:2; 1 Cor. 15:10, 58).
B. The human life is the highest created life, the life that can express God in His image and likeness and can exercise dominion for God:
1. Adam, the first man, typifies Christ (Rom. 5:14; 1 Cor. 15:45, 47; Psa. 8:4-8; Heb. 2:6-9)
as the center of God's creation (Col. 1:16-17), as the Head of all creation (v. 15) and of all men (1 Cor. 11:3), as God's expression in God's image and likeness (Heb. 1:3; 2 Cor. 4:4; Col. 1:15), and as God's representative to rule over all things created by God (Psa. 8:6-8; Matt. 28:18).
2. God's intention that man would express God in His image and represent God with His dominion is fulfilled not in Adam as the first man (1 Cor. 15:45a), the old man (Rom. 6:6),
but in Christ as the second man (1 Cor. 15:47b), the new man (Eph. 2:15), comprising Christ Himself as the Head and the church as His Body (1:22-23; 1 Cor. 12:12; Col. 3:10-11).
3. It is fully fulfilled in the overcoming believers, who live Christ for His corporate
expression (Phil. 1:19-26) and will have authority over the nations and reign as co-kings with Christ in the millennium (Rev. 2:26-27; 20:4, 6).
4. It will ultimately be fulfilled in the New Jerusalem, which will express God's image, having His glory and bearing His appearance (4:3a; 21:11, 18a), and also exercise God's divine authority to maintain God's dominion over the entire universe for eternity (v. 24; 22:5).
讀經:創一 1 ~ 31
綱 目
週 一
壹 在神的恢復與進一步的創造之第一日,靈、話和光,是神爲着完成祂定旨所用以產生生命的憑藉;靈、
話和光,都是屬於生命—創一 1 ~ 5,羅八 2,腓二 16,約八 12 下:
一 基督是靈,乃是神的實際—羅八 9 ~ 10,林後三 17,約十六 13 ~ 15:
1 神的靈作爲生命之靈(羅八 2)覆罩在死水之上,以產生生命,特別爲着神的定旨產生人(創一 2,
二 7,一 26)。
2 在屬靈經歷中,靈的來到是產生生命的第一條件—約六 63 上,十六 8 ~ 11。
二 基督是話,乃是神的說話—一 1,來一 2:
1 靈覆罩之後,神的話來到,帶進光—創一 3,林後四 6,參詩一一九 105、130。
2 在屬靈經歷中,話的來到是產生生命的第二條件—約五 24,六 63 下。
三 基督是光,乃是神的照耀(創一 3 ~ 5,約一 1、4 ~ 5,八 12 上,九 5);在屬靈經歷中,光的來
到是產生生命的第三條件(太四 13 ~ 16,約一 1 ~ 13)。
四 光暗分開,是爲着區分晝夜,這是產生生命的第四條件—創一 4 ~ 5,林後六 14 下。
週 二
貳 在第二日,在諸水之間造出廣闊的空間,將諸水分開,在屬靈上表徵藉着十字架的工作,將屬天的事
與屬地的事分開;這是產生生命的第五條件—創一 6 ~ 8,西三 1 ~ 3,來四 12。
參 旱地露出來,是產生生命的第六條件;這事發生在第三日,與復活之日相符—創一 9 ~ 13,林前十
五 4:
一 在聖經裏,海代表死,地代表基督是產生生命的源頭;地露出來以後,各種生命—植物生命、動物生
命、甚至人的生命—都從地裏產生出來(創一 11 ~ 12、24 ~ 27,二 7);這豫表神聖生命同其一
二 在第三日,基督在復活裏從死而出,以產生生命,爲着構成召會—約十二 24,彼前一 3。
週 三
三 把地和水分開,表徵把生命和死亡分開;從第二日起(創一 6 ~ 7),神開始作工,拘束並限制遮蓋
地的死水(參耶五 22):
1 至終,當神的工作完成時,在新天新地裏就不再有海—啓二一 1 與恢復本註 3。
2 不僅如此,在新耶路撒冷裏也不再有黑夜—25 節與恢復本註 2。
3 這意思是,死亡和黑暗都被除滅了。
四 植物生命是最低等的生命,是無意識的生命,相當於剛重生的信徒裏面神聖生命最初的階段—創一
11,參林前三 6:
1 植物生命無數的種類,豫表基督生命那追測不盡之豐富的豐富彰顯,包括其悅人眼目的美麗(創二
9),其芬芳(歌一 12 ~ 13),及其對人和動物的滋養(創一 29 ~ 30)。
2 樹木(二 9,出十五 23 ~ 25,歌二 3,五 15,賽十一 1,約十五 1,啓二二 2)、花(歌一 14)以
及作人食物(約六 9、13)並獻給神之祭物(利二1 ~ 3、14)的穀類,都是基督的豫表。
週 四
肆 第四日出現的光體,是產生生命的第七條件,爲要產生較高等的生命—創一 14 ~ 19:
一 按照整本聖經的啓示,光是爲着生命;光和
生命總是並行的—詩三六 9,太四 16,約一
4,八 12,約壹一 1 ~ 7。
二 生命在於光,光越高,生命就越高:
1 第一日不確定的光(創一 3),足以產生最低等的
詩一三六 7 ~ 9)更扎實且更確定的光,是產生較
2 這表徵爲着我們屬靈的重生,『第一日』的光就足
3 光體是爲着作記號,定節令、日子、年歲(創一
14),這些都是基督的影兒—西二 16 ~ 17。
三 太陽(詩一三六 8)表徵基督(瑪四 2,路
一 78 ~ 79,太四 16,弗五 14);主耶穌
也將得勝的聖徒比作太陽(太十三 43)。
四 月亮(詩一三六 9)可視爲召會—基督妻子—
的表號(參創三七 9,歌六 10):
1 月亮本身並不發光,卻在夜間因着返照太陽的光而
2 照樣,召會也因着返照基督神聖的光,而在召會時
代的黑夜裏發光照耀—林後三 18,參腓二 15。
五 眾星首先表徵基督,然後表徵得勝者—民
二四 17,彼後一 19,啓二二 16,但十二 3:
1 雖然基督是真太陽,在現今這夜晚的時代,祂並非顯出如太陽,卻照耀如明亮的晨星—啓二二 16。
2 眾星也表徵得勝的聖徒—但十二 3,參啓一 20。
3 當月亮虧缺時,特別需要來自眾星的光;照樣,召會墮落的時候,特別需要得勝的聖徒照耀如天上的
眾星—二 7、11、17、26 ~ 28,三 5、12、20 ~ 21。
六 第四日的光體的管理,也加強創世記一章四節的光暗分開;二者都是生命長大的條件。
週 五
伍 第五日生出水中和空中的活物—20 ~23 節:
一 這是具有最低意識的動物生命,相當於信徒生命長大的第一步—參約壹二 13:
1 海裏的動物生命,豫表基督生命的豐富,在於有能力在祂的生活中勝過死(由鹽水所表徵);魚能生
世界的敗壞而『變鹹』—參約十四 30,十七 15 ~ 16。
2 海裏的動物生命,也給我們看見基督生命的豐富,在於以祂的豐富餧養人—六 9 上,二一 9。
二 禽鳥的生命比魚的生命高;魚能活在死水中,禽鳥則能超越死水:
1 信徒藉着在神聖生命裏長進,就能超越地的一切阻礙—賽四十 31。
2 禽鳥的生命豫表基督生命的豐富,見於祂是鷹,將神所救贖的人帶到祂的目的地(出十九 4,申三二
11 ~ 12,啓十二 14),並見於祂是斑鳩或鴿子,爲神子民的罪獻給神(利一 14,五 7)。
週 六
陸 第六日生出地上的活物—創一 24 ~31:
一 地上的牲畜和走獸,是比魚和禽鳥更高的生命,具有較高的意識,這生命能在地上成就一些事:
1 地上的走獸和牲畜,豫表基督生命的豐富,見於基督是得勝的獅子(啓五 5),爲神的經綸爭戰;見
於基督是羊和牛,爲着獻給神,以完成神完全的救贖(利一 2 ~ 3、10,三 1、6、12,四 3,五
6,約一 29,彼前一 19,啓五 6 ~ 9);也見於基督是公牛,爲着承擔責任並忠信勞苦,以完成神
的旨意(太二十 28,約五 17,六 38)。
2 在基督裏的信徒,藉着在神聖生命裏進一步的長大,就能在地上過一種對完成神旨意有用的生活—參
羅五 17,林前三 2,加六 2,林前十五 10、58。
二 人的生命是最高的受造生命,這生命有神的形像和樣式,可以彰顯神,並能爲神執掌管治權:
1 亞當,頭一個人,豫表基督(羅五 14,林前十五45、47,詩八 4 ~ 8,來二 6 ~ 9)是神創造的中
心(西一 16 ~ 17),是一切受造之物和眾人的元首(15,林前十一 3),在神的形像和樣式上是神
的彰顯(來一 3,林後四 4,西一 15),也是神的代表,管理神一切的造物(詩八 6 ~ 8,太二八
2 神的目的是要人有祂的形像彰顯祂,有祂的管治權代表祂,這不是在亞當這頭一個人(林前十五 45
上)—舊人(羅六 6)—身上得着完成,乃是在基督這第二個人(林前十五 47 下)—新人(弗二
15)—身上得着完成;這新人是由基督自己作頭,以及召會作祂的身體(一22 ~ 23,林前十二
12,西三 10 ~ 11)所組成的。
3 這要完全在得勝的信徒身上得着完成,他們活基督,作祂團體的彰顯(腓一 19 ~ 26),並要得着
權柄制伏列國,在千年國裏與基督一同作王(啓二26 ~ 27,二十 4、6)。
4 這要終極完成於新耶路撒冷,彰顯神的形像,有祂的榮耀和祂顯出的樣子(四 3 上,二一 11、18
上),並且運用神的神聖權柄,維持神對全宇宙的管治權,直到永遠(24,二二 5)。
The Experience of Christ as Life Portrayed in Genesis 1
Scripture Reading: Gen. 1:1-31
I. The Spirit, the word, and the light were the instruments used by God to generate life on the first day of His restoration and further creation for the fulfillment of His purpose; the Spirit, the word, and the light are all of life (Gen. 1:1-5; Rom. 8:2; Phil. 2:16; John 8:12b):
A. Christ as the Spirit is the reality of God (Rom. 8:9-10; 2 Cor. 3:17; John 16:13-15):
1. The Spirit of God, as the Spirit of life (Rom. 8:2), came to brood over the waters of death
in order to generate life, especially man, for God's purpose (Gen. 1:2; 2:7; 1:26).
2. In spiritual experience the Spirit's coming is the first requirement for generating life (John
6:63a; 16:8-11).
B. Christ as the Word is the speaking of God (1:1; Heb. 1:2):
1. After the Spirit's brooding, the word of God came to bring in the light (Gen. 1:3; 2 Cor. 4:6;
cf. Psa. 119:105, 130).
2. In spiritual experience the coming of the word is the second requirement for generating
life (John 5:24; 6:63b).
C. Christ as the light is the shining of God (Gen. 1:3-5; John 1:1, 4-5; 8:12a; 9:5); in spiritual experience the coming of the light is the third requirement for generating life (Matt. 4:13-16; John 1:1-13).
D. The separation of the light from the darkness for the purpose of discerning day from night is the fourth requirement for generating life (Gen. 1:4-5; 2 Cor. 6:14b).
II. The separating of the waters by producing an expanse between them on the second day, signifying, spiritually, the dividing of the heavenly things from the earthly things through the work of the cross, is the fifth requirement for generating life (Gen. 1:6-8; Col. 3:1-3; Heb. 4:12).
III. The appearing of the dry land is the sixth requirement for generating life; this took place on the third day, corresponding to the day of resurrection (Gen. 1:9-13; 1 Cor. 15:4):
A. In the Bible the sea represents death, and the land represents Christ as the generating source of life; after the land appeared, every kind of life—the plant life, the animal life, and even the human life—was produced out of the land (Gen. 1:11-12, 24-27; 2:7); this typifies that the divine life with all its riches comes out of Christ.
B. On the third day Christ came out of death in resurrection to generate life for the constituting of the church (John 12:24; 1 Pet. 1:3).
C. Dividing the land from the waters signifies separating life from death; from the second day (Gen. 1:6-7) God began to work to confine and limit the waters of death that covered the earth (cf. Jer. 5:22):
1. Eventually, when God's work is completed, in the new heaven and new earth there will be
no more sea (Rev. 21:1 and footnote 3, Recovery Version).
2. Furthermore, in the New Jerusalem there will be no more night (v. 25 and footnote 2).
3. This means that both death and darkness will be eliminated.
D. The plant life is the lowest form of life, a life without consciousness, corresponding to the earliest stage of the divine life in a newly regenerated believer (Gen. 1:11; cf. 1 Cor. 3:6):
1. The countless varieties of the plant life typify the rich expression of the unsearchable riches of the life of Christ in their beauty for man's sight (Gen. 2:9), in their fragrance (S.S. 1:12-13), and in their nourishing man and animals (Gen. 1:29-30).
2. The trees (2:9; Exo. 15:23-25; S.S. 2:3; 5:15; Isa. 11:1; John 15:1; Rev. 22:2), the flowers
(S.S. 1:14), and the grains as food for man (John 6:9, 13) and as offerings to God (Lev. 2:1-3, 14) are all types of Christ.
IV. The light-bearers appeared on the fourth day as the seventh requirement for generating life to produce the higher forms of life (Gen. 1:14-19):
A. According to the revelation of the whole Bible, light is for life; light and life always go together (Psa. 36:9; Matt. 4:16; John 1:4; 8:12; 1 John 1:1-7).
B. Life depends on light, and the higher the light, the higher the life:
1. The indefinite light of the first day (Gen. 1:3) was sufficient for generating the lowest forms of life; the more solid and more definite light from the light-bearers—the sun, the moon, and the stars (v. 16; Psa. 136:7-9)—on the fourth day was necessary for producing the higher forms of life, including the human life.
2. This signifies that for our spiritual rebirth, the light of the “first day” is sufficient, but for
the growth in the divine life unto maturity, more and stronger light, the light of the “fourth
day,” is needed.
3. The light-bearers were for signs, seasons, days, and years (Gen. 1:14), which are all shadows of Christ (Col. 2:16-17).
C. The sun (Psa. 136:8) signifies Christ (Mal. 4:2; Luke 1:78-79; Matt. 4:16; Eph. 5:14); the overcoming saints were also likened to the sun by the Lord Jesus (Matt. 13:43).
D. The moon (Psa. 136:9) can be considered a figure of the church, the wife of Christ (cf. Gen. 37:9; S.S. 6:10):
1. The moon has no light of its own but shines in the night and reflects the light of the sun.
2. Likewise, the church shines in the dark night of the church age by reflecting the divine
light of Christ (2 Cor. 3:18; cf. Phil. 2:15).
E. The stars first signify Christ and then the overcomers (Num. 24:17; 2 Pet. 1:19; Rev. 22:16; Dan. 12:3):
1. Although Christ is the real sun, He does not appear as the sun during the present age of night; rather, He shines as the bright morning star (Rev. 22:16).
2. The stars also signify the overcoming saints (Dan. 12:3; cf. Rev. 1:20).
3. The light from the stars is needed particularly when the moon wanes; likewise, the shining of the overcoming saints as the heavenly stars is needed particularly in the time of the church's degradation (2:7, 11, 17, 26-28; 3:5, 12, 20-21).
F. The ruling of the fourth-day light-bearers also strengthened the separating of the light from the darkness in Genesis 1:4; both are requirements for the growth in life.
V. The living creatures in the water and in the air were generated on the fifth day (vv. 20-23):
A. This is the animal life with the lowest consciousness, corresponding to the first step in the believers' growth in life (cf. 1 John 2:13):
1. The animal life in the sea typifies the riches of the life of Christ in the power that overcomes death (signified by the salt water) in His living; just as fish can live in salt water without becoming salty, Christ and His believers, who have the divine life, can live in the satanic world without being “salted” by the world's corruption (cf. John 14:30; 17:15-16).
2. The animal life in the sea also shows the riches of Christ's life in feeding man with His riches (6:9a; 21:9).
B. The bird life is higher than the fish life; fish can live in the death waters, but birds can transcend the death waters:
1. By growing further in the divine life, the believers are able to transcend all the
frustrations of the earth (Isa. 40:31).
2. The bird life typifies the riches of the life of Christ as seen in His being the eagle for carrying God's redeemed to His destination (Exo. 19:4; Deut. 32:11-12; Rev. 12:14) and in His being the turtledoves or pigeons for offering to God for the sins of God's people (Lev. 1:14; 5:7).
VI. The living creatures on the earth were generated on the sixth day (Gen. 1:24-31):
A. The cattle and the animals on the earth are a higher life with a higher consciousness than that of the fish and the birds, a life that can accomplish something on the earth:
1. The animals and the cattle on the land typify the riches of the life of Christ as seen in Christ as the conquering lion (Rev. 5:5) to fight for God's economy, as seen in Christ as the sheep and oxen for offering to God for the fulfillment of God's full redemption (Lev. 1:2-3, 10; 3:1, 6, 12; 4:3; 5:6; John 1:29; 1 Pet. 1:19; Rev. 5:6-9), and as seen in Christ as the ox to bear the responsibility and to labor faithfully for the accomplishing of God's will (Matt. 20:28; John 5:17; 6:38).
2. Through further growth in the divine life the believers in Christ are able to live on the earth a life that is useful for the fulfilling of God's will (cf. Rom. 5:17; 1 Cor. 3:2; Gal. 6:2; 1 Cor. 15:10, 58).
B. The human life is the highest created life, the life that can express God in His image and likeness and can exercise dominion for God:
1. Adam, the first man, typifies Christ (Rom. 5:14; 1 Cor. 15:45, 47; Psa. 8:4-8; Heb. 2:6-9)
as the center of God's creation (Col. 1:16-17), as the Head of all creation (v. 15) and of all men (1 Cor. 11:3), as God's expression in God's image and likeness (Heb. 1:3; 2 Cor. 4:4; Col. 1:15), and as God's representative to rule over all things created by God (Psa. 8:6-8; Matt. 28:18).
2. God's intention that man would express God in His image and represent God with His dominion is fulfilled not in Adam as the first man (1 Cor. 15:45a), the old man (Rom. 6:6),
but in Christ as the second man (1 Cor. 15:47b), the new man (Eph. 2:15), comprising Christ Himself as the Head and the church as His Body (1:22-23; 1 Cor. 12:12; Col. 3:10-11).
3. It is fully fulfilled in the overcoming believers, who live Christ for His corporate
expression (Phil. 1:19-26) and will have authority over the nations and reign as co-kings with Christ in the millennium (Rev. 2:26-27; 20:4, 6).
4. It will ultimately be fulfilled in the New Jerusalem, which will express God's image, having His glory and bearing His appearance (4:3a; 21:11, 18a), and also exercise God's divine authority to maintain God's dominion over the entire universe for eternity (v. 24; 22:5).