2004-05-12 23:17:00DVD共濟會

☆推薦給糖尿病的偵探《No Good Deed》

—AKA. "The House on Turk Street"

—導演 Bob Rafelson (AKA. Robert Rafaelson, 導過 Five Easy Pieces, The King of Marvin Gardens, Stay Hungry...) 改編自 Dashiell Hammett (冷硬派偵探宗師) 的 Nail-biters, Post-Noir (Modern Noir), Crime Thriller 作品. 2002 -USA+Canada+Germany 3國聯合制作 (ApolloMedia /CDI Campagnia Distribuzione Internazional /Kismet Entertainment Group /Peter Hoffman /Remstar / Seven Arts)- 103 min.

—Premiere for 2002 06/29 Moscow International Film Festival.

Samuel L. Jackson -Cello-playing cop Jack Friar
Milla Jovovich -femme-fatale Erin
Stellan Skarsg緳d -gang leader Tyrone
Doug Hutchison -violent thug Hoop
Joss Ackland -elderly couple Mr. Quarre
Grace Zabriskie -elderly couple Mrs. Quarre
Jonathan Higgins -inside man David Brewster

—「The best way to chase something, Hoop, is to let it chase you.」

—「I can't let you escape, because then I would have to escape, and nobody escapes Tyrone.」

—「You've got a way of making me feel really good... when you want something.」

1. Start [:17]
2. Jack Friar [2:34]
3. Looking for a Lost Girl [1:24]
4. The Quarres [1:46]
5. "How'd You Find Me? [1:09]
6. Tyrone & Hoop [3:10]
7. Erin [1:17]
8. Brunch [6:53]
9. David Brewster [2:12]
10. "No One Escapes Tyrone" [3:37]
11. Diabetic Coma [4:52]
12. "I Owe You One" [2:36]
13. Child Prodigy [2:31]
14. A Lost Girl [1:16]
15. Duet for Piano & Cello [2:01]
16. Debt Repaid [2:05]
17. Disk Retrieval [10:58]
18. Shower Stalled [3:55]
19. Short Interlude for Young Lovers [5:54]
20. Time's Up [2:29]
21. "Jack Was Looking for You" [4:32]
22. A Little Over Excited [2:31]
23. Turn of the Screw [3:49]
24. Erin's Baptism [2:02]
25. Can't Live Without Her [1:26]
26. Picking Up the Checks [5:49]
27. Border Double-Crossing [4:57]
28. No Good Deed [2:01]

▉特价:超值二手 DVD NT$70元。

By 3不5時Ψ共濟會:ΨDVD Boy、Ψ聖堂騎士、Ψ實習醫生、Ψ夜班店員、ΨMr. Stupid、Ψ頂樓小鬼、Ψ跳舞少女、Ψ悄悄人、Ψ屌王、Ψ毛巾殺手、Ψ橡皮頭、Ψ走路人、Ψ雷普利、Ψ野獸男孩、Ψ夜之后、Ψ變形博士、Ψ海利狗、Ψ妙妙貓、Ψ條碼剋星、Ψ首映駭客、Ψ美人心、角角、柳丁男、全民公敵、假人類、知小道、馬上瘋、地獄星、最好心、HighWay☆、路易兄弟、彩虹蛇、塗鴨人、陰陽師…