2017-05-06 02:00:01montgox1647d0

The Best Places to Travel -Gob


Goblin: The Lonely and Great God - Day Tour to Jumunjin Beach & Zipling at Gangneung Gyeongpo Lake

The experience:
Relive your favorite memories of Goblin: The Lonely and Great God with KKday! Discover the iconic Jumunjin Beach where Ji Eun Tak and Kim Shin first met, and complete your holiday with a zip-line across Gangneung Gyeongpo Lake!
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— Highlights—

‧ Great for K-drama fans of Goblin: The Lonely and Great God
‧ Snap photos or take a peaceful bicycle ride/stroll along the lake
‧ Inclusive of transport to and fro Seoul

— Tour Destinations —

‧ Jumunjin Beach
Located in Gang-won at Gangneung's North Road, Jumunjin Beach was part of the iconic scene in Goblin: The Lonely and Great God. Known for its gorgeous beaches and blue waters, Jumunjin Beach offers visitors breathtaking views of otherworldly beauty.

‧ Gyeongpo Lake
Surrounded by beautiful vistas, Gyeongpo Lake is an idyllic place for a peaceful stroll or bike tour. Especially gorgeous in spring as cherry blossoms shroud the lake in pink, be sure to catch this romantic atmosphere in Korea.

‧ Gangmun Coast
Gangmun Coast is located at the sea near □□Gyeongpo Lake, and is one of Korea's must-visit beaches in the summer. Enjoy stunning views of the ocean and beach, only at Gangmun Coast.

Starting from May 1, Jiangmen Coast itinerary will head towards central market and Niuyan Park.

‧ Gangneung Olympic Park
The Gangneung Olympic Park is a sports complex area in Gyo-dong, Gangneung, which will be the location of four of the venues of the 2018 Olympic Games.

‧ Central market
The central market is located in Jiangnan City, which was established in 1980, and considered one of the three traditional markets of Jiangnan. The market is full of all kinds of shops, Jufan specialty products, daily necessities and specialty snacks. Popularity in recent years has grown with many broadcasting shows increasing the attraction to this location. Come and trace the footprints of "Running Man" here in central market!

‧ Niuyan Park
Niuyan Park is located near Niuyan Port, where there are many deep colored rocks. Legend has it that the rocks in the park support mothers wishing to bear male offsprings!

‧ Zip-line Experience Across The Sea
Gangneung's thrilling ziplining experience over the sea is made especially for the adrenaline junkies. Starting from a high-altitude, this exhilarating zip-lining experience offers visitors the excitement of flying while overlooking the expansive East China Sea.

‧ Anmok Beach
Anmok Beach is one of the famous coffee street in Korea. You can enjoy a cup of coffee while watching the beautiful scenery of the East sea.

— Program Types —

‧ Program A: Tickets for the Day-Tour attractions and round-trip transportation shuttle services.
‧ Program B: Tickets for the Day-Tour attractions, round-trip transportation shuttle services and Gyeongpo Lake bicycle rental.
‧ Program C: Tickets for the Day-Tour attractions, round-trip transportation shuttle services, Gyeongpo Lake bicycle rental, and Zip-line Experience Across The Sea

— Important Info —

‧ Meeting Time and Point:
- 7:30am Hongda Station, Exit 8
- 8:00am Myeongdong Station, Exit 4
‧ Duration: 12 hrs
‧ Returning Time and Point: Arrive back in Seoul at approximately 8:30pm
‧ Vehicle Type: Based on number of passengers.

— How to Redeem Your Voucher —

‧ You must print and show your voucher for this activity.


— Highlights—

‧ Great for K-drama fans of Goblin: The Lonely and Great God
‧ Snap photos or take a peaceful bicycle ride/stroll along the lake
‧ Inclusive of transport to and fro Seoul

— Tour Destinations —

‧ Jumunjin Beach
Located in Gang-won at Gangneung's North Road, Jumunjin Beach was part of the iconic scene in Goblin: The Lonely and Great God. Known for its gorgeous beaches and blue waters, Jumunjin Beach offers visitors breathtaking views of otherworldly beauty.

‧ Gyeongpo Lake
Surrounded by beautiful vistas, Gyeongpo Lake is an idyllic place for a peaceful stroll or bike tour. Especially gorgeous in spring as cherry blossoms shroud the lake in pink, be sure to catch this romantic atmosphere in Korea.

‧ Gangmun Coast
Gangmun Coast is located at the sea near □□Gyeongpo Lake, and is one of Korea's must-visit beaches in the summer. Enjoy stunning views of the ocean and beach, only at Gangmun Coast.

Starting from May 1, Jiangmen Coast itinerary will head towards central market and Niuyan Park.

‧ Gangneung Olympic Park
The Gangneung Olympic Park is a sports complex area in Gyo-dong, Gangneung, which will be the location of four of the venues of the 2018 Olympic Games.

‧ Central market
The central market is located in Jiangnan City, which was established in 1980, and considered one of the three traditional markets of Jiangnan. The market is full of all kinds of shops, Jufan specialty products, daily necessities and specialty snacks. Popularity in recent years has grown with many broadcasting shows increasing the attraction to this location. Come and trace the footprints of "Running Man" here in central market!

‧ Niuyan Park
Niuyan Park is located near Niuyan Port, where there are many deep colored rocks. Legend has it that the rocks in the park support mothers wishing to bear male offsprings!

‧ Zip-line Experience Across The Sea
Gangneung's thrilling ziplining experience over the sea is made especially for the adrenaline junkies. Starting from a high-altitude, this exhilarating zip-lining experience offers visitors the excitement of flying while overlooking the expansive East China Sea.

‧ Anmok Beach
Anmok Beach is one of the famous coffee street in Korea. You can enjoy a cup of coffee while watching the beautiful scenery of the East sea.

— Program Types —

‧ Program A: Tickets for the Day-Tour attractions and round-trip transportation shuttle services.
‧ Program B: Tickets for the Day-Tour attractions, round-trip transportation shuttle services and Gyeongpo Lake bicycle rental.
‧ Program C: Tickets for the Day-Tour attractions, round-trip transportation shuttle services, Gyeongpo Lake bicycle rental, and Zip-line Experience Across The Sea

— Important Info —

‧ Meeting Time and Point:
- 7:30am Hongda Station, Exit 8
- 8:00am Myeongdong Station, Exit 4
‧ Duration: 12 hrs
‧ Returning Time and Point: Arrive back in Seoul at approximately 8:30pm
‧ Vehicle Type: Based on number of passengers.

— How to Redeem Your Voucher —

‧ You must print and show your voucher for this activity.



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