2004-07-26 22:33:49monicarmanzzz

swimming in Shek O

today i 12.00 sin wake up ar...so bad ..can't take the dc and buy拖鞋...also rain today..we decide go or not ar...but at last we dou go ar...
i go jor welcome c 拖鞋 ar...but ho ugly...so mo buy...then i go with sis to cb then take mtr ar....we go city super c 拖鞋....but yau hai super ugly...ho ng hoi sum...so i decide to go to shek O sin buy...
my sis , amber and koka go to there first...i and lo por date anna in shau kei wan ....then we take van to there...we arrive there ho lucky mo rain ar...we let they play sand...but we wait die la...then i call them to watch things...
i ho want go 'float platform' ga...but lo por not allow me go ar..she say ho large wave and dangerous!!we borrow jor amber that 水泡play wave...ho ho play!!so we borrow jor a 'float bed' to play wave...really ho funny ar....i buy jor ice-cream to lo por...but eat jor siu siu..then a bug fly on it ar...lo por throw the ice-cream on the ground!!she ho 8chi!!hahahaha...ho duc eat~~today weather ho bad!!has red flag ar..d wave ho large ar!!i dou mo try gor gum play ar...but d water ho dirty...we play dou around 7.00 jau leave la...lo por and me dou mo $$$ ar..so mo eat ar!!then i take lo por to mtr station!!super tired!!

today i phone james ar.he also can't do that job...so bad...mo$$$$$$