2003-05-19 09:35:37瘋兔子跟瘋艾咪

兔:西班牙飲料~Sangría 食譜 from Blanca



Fruits (for example: 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 peach, 1 pear, 1 lemon, 1 orange), 200-400 g sugar 1 l –cheap-red wine, 1 l lemon soda, a pinch of ground or stick cinnamon, 200-400 cl spirits (vodka, gin...) and ice cubes.

How to prepare it:

Peal the fruit and cut it into pieces, except the oranges and the lemons, which should not be pealed but only cut. Let the fruit soak with the sugar in a big bowl for 3-4 hours.
Add the cold wine to the fruit and let it settle in the fridge for another hour.
Add the cold lemon soda, the cinnamon and spirits. Mix it all and it’s ready to be served with some ice.

**Preparing a good sangría can be very expensive, therefore tinto de verano has become so popular ( you only need some wine, white soda, lemon juice and ice).