2009-11-14 14:45:29Mo (Jo Jo) Rill




  最近我非常突然的開始迷上King's Singers的音樂。當然我以前就知道他們,看過「巴哈」那首歌,看過他們唱Queen的Seaside Rendezvous和Beatles的Honey Pie(註一),但從來就不知道什麼是Countertenor或Baritone,也不知道他們其實從1968就存在,中間幾次成員轉換才成為現在的樣子。第一次看到Short People(註二)的時候,我還很努力的把那些根本不一樣的長相連起來,還在想說人的臉怎麼可能一下圓那麼多。最近,經過一小番研究才弄清楚誰是誰,但聲音還是認不出來。這或許是一種讚美吧?表示他們和聲和的天衣無縫。但是我連John Lennon和Paul McCartney的聲音都分不出來,所以大概也說不準。


  我的CD現在都疊在我書桌的一邊,兩堆有點搖搖欲墜的CD。我會開始很常聽同樣的幾張,他們就會被放在疊疊樂的上面。過一段時間我會變心,又再把壓在底下的CD抽出來。但不管現在的風格是Punk, Jazz, Independent還是Musical,我聽我的音樂都是全心全意,甚至有些痴蠢的。但審視我的那兩疊CD,發現其中存在著一種偏斜。我有Mos Def,Alanis Morissette,Pink和阿飛西雅,但其他大多都是由白種人男性製作演出。當然我絕對沒有種族歧視或性別歧視的意思,尤其自己就會是歧視對象的時候。目前我聽音樂都還是一種懶散的非建設性聆聽。遇到什麼喜歡的就聽,還沒有特意的去擴展領域,導致一團連到下一團,團團圍聚,變成聽的東西都多少相似。這可能是原因之一。而我少有台灣的pop music,原因很明顯。







http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDZpZPFGzOA Deconstructing Johann

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drRVTy32Xdc  Honey Pie - King's Singers

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz9GyGzfihM The King's Singers - Seaside Rendez-vous


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANIj1wfMuK4  The King's Singers: Short People

(Short people got no reason to live...)


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72p_15K4HmI Widdicombe Fair arr. Langford

Tom Pearse, Tom Pearse, lend me your grey mare
All along, down along, out along lee
For I want for to go to Widdicombe Fair

With Bill Brewer, Jan Stewer, Peter Gurney
Peter Day, Daniel Whiddon, Harry Hawk
Old Uncle Tom Cobleigh and all
Old Uncle Tom Cobleigh and all.

And when shall I see again my grey mare?
All along, down along, out along lee
By Friday soon, or Saturday noon


Then Friday came and Saturday noon
All along, down along, out along lee
But Tom Pearse's mare has not trotted home.

So Tom Pearse he got up to the top of the hill
All along, down along, out along lee
He see'd his old mare down a-making her will.

So Tom Pearce's old mare, she took sick and died
All along, down along, out along lee
And Tom, he sat down on a stone and he cried.

But this isn't the end of this shocking affair
All along, down along, out along lee
Nor though they be dead of the horrid career.

When the wind whistles cold on the moor of a night
All along, down along, out along lee
Tom Pearse's old mare doth appear ghastly white.

And all the long night be heard skirling and groans
All along, down along, out along lee
From Tom Pearse's old mare and a rattling of bones.

judy 2009-11-21 16:53:06


嘖 放馬過來吧
2009-11-21 18:45:23
judy 2009-11-15 18:18:47


這是...恩 還可以啦 2009-11-18 18:48:53