2013-12-30 18:03:10→☆ 魅格格 ★←


同志勇敢曬幸福:元芳,你往哪邊看? (金美翎)


  圖文:金美翎 ( QQ空間 )

  “曾在過去的某個階段,我是感覺到我有點不一樣,但是我並沒有意識到為什麼會這樣……在我的青春期那段日子裡,我也喜歡過女孩,也追過女孩,跟她們在一起很美好;然而,就在我進入大學時代的時候,我自己跟同性朋友接觸多了,在一起有感覺了,我才明白,原來這才是真正的我。”——引於Ken Jennison先生。

  "At certain level, I sensed that I was different, but I didn't have a sense of why. Going through high school. Through my teenage years, I liked girls, they were fun, but by the time I got to college, I had already experimented with same sex relationship, but it took me until college before I realized, okay, this is who I am." -- Ken Jennison

同志勇敢曬幸福:元芳,你往哪邊看? (金美翎)


  Some people say this type of love is immoral; however,others say this type of relationship is very sincere. Ken and Calvin originally met each other in Chicago. For several years, their love has been growing and becoming stronger.

  在美國密歇根洲土生土長的Ken Jennison目前在一家商業雜誌社(WATT)做報刊編輯,而來自新加坡的華裔Calvin Lin現在在做一份幫助大學生解決資金困難的工作。兩人因為偶然的機遇走到了一起。算一算,他倆總共度過了3年半的美好時光。

  Ken was originally from Michigan and works as an editor at WATT Publishing Co. now, and Calvin Lin was originally from Singapore and works as advising master who helps college students. They have been together for more than three and half years.

同志勇敢曬幸福:元芳,你往哪邊看? (金美翎)

  Coming Out ​​of the closet: Lucky Duo

  什麼是“出櫃”?英文“come out of the closet”的直譯,指男性(後來也指女性)暴露同志身份,或公開承認自己的性取向的同性戀或雙性戀。簡單來說“出櫃”就是承認自己的性取向不同。




同志勇敢曬幸福:元芳,你往哪邊看? (金美翎)

  For most of the people from the LBGTQ community, it is just not that easy to come out of the closet without any major issues. However, Ken and Calvin are just so lucky to come out without causing a family war.

  Ken is originally from a family with a very religious background, everyone in the family is a Christian. According to Ken, he is the only family member who is gay . So before he came out, he had so many worries; however, his father loves him greatly, although his father was very suprised, later on, he accepted Ken, and gave him lots of encouragement. Yet Ken's mother seemed not very happy about Ken at first and didn't totally accept Ken. But later, she got asked by some Christian moms about how to treat a gay son, because there were actually some friends of Ken's mothers that were suffering from the same problem, and they knew Ken was gay . Ken's mother started to encourage other Christian moms to accept their sons as gay , and she started to accept Ken gradually.

  For Calvin, he is also fortunate compared with others based on his background. He was originally from Singapore, and because in most of the Asian cultures, LBGT are most likely to be rejected and face discrimination. Because of Calvin's loving parents, Calvin had no major issues to come out; instead, both of his parents are very supportive and encouraged Calvin all the time.

同志勇敢曬幸福:元芳,你往哪邊看? (金美翎)


  How did Ken and Calvin meet? They both joined a social event named "Dating for Gay Nerds" through the LBGT community in Chicago, and Calvin's unique features just stood out in Ken's sights when they played board games - The tallest Asian that Ken ever seen in his whole life, good looking and well behaved. Sometimes, first-sight love does matter!

同志勇敢曬幸福:元芳,你往哪邊看? (金美翎)


  Yes, they are not straight, but it doesn't necessary mean that their life is very strange. Actually Ken and Calvin live a very normal life. They go to work every day like most of the people, socialize, watch TV, cook food ... It sounds less complicated compared with heterosexual relationships. That's why people always say, "the simpler, the better. "

同志勇敢曬幸福:元芳,你往哪邊看? (金美翎)


  Of course, there is no absolutely perfect couple. After all, Ken and Calvin's backgrounds are different, so their life styles and habits are different as well. However, these just can't stop them from loving each other.

同志勇敢曬幸福:元芳,你往哪邊看? (金美翎)

  Ken和Calvin的私人健身教練Nathan Masters:“我認為他們的愛情一定會走得很長遠。我當過Ken和Calvin的私人教練,我們也有過私交。我和他倆的關係非常好,平時我看他們倆也特別合得來,很般配。對,我相信他們以後一定會走向成功,因為兩人都聰明過人。”

  Fitness Trainer Nathan Masters, "I think they will remain together and be very happy. I have trained them at the same time before, and they both trained with me individually, and we hang out at different events together and individually. I consider them as very close friends. I have seen how close they are together. They will make a great couple. Yeah, I am sure that they will be very happy, very successful, they are both pretty smart. "

同志勇敢曬幸福:元芳,你往哪邊看? (金美翎)


  Actually, there are so many same-sex relationship examples such as Ken and Calvin. From the scientific aspect, same-sex relationships are always affected by three factors: physical, mental, and social. Therefore, let's see what other people say about same-sex relationships.

  來自德克薩斯州的芝加哥遊客Jeremy B先生:“有些人相信兩個男人可以擦出愛情的火花。在這個國家裡,你有自由權可以做自己喜歡做的事。以我個人的觀點來看,我是不理解這種感情。但是,政府機關認可,那是他們份內的事情。我們有自己的衡量標準,基督教徒們也應該把心放平。上帝憎惡罪惡,但他還是原諒了罪人。我不討厭同志們,我只是不喜歡他們的生活方式。”

  Jeremy B, "Some people believe that two men can be together. In this country, you have the right to do what you want to do. On a personal stand point, I won't recognize it, but if the federal government or state government recognize it, then that's what they do. We take the same stand; the Christians should take the same stand also. God would dislike the sin, but love the sinner. So, it is not a matter of me disliking gay people, it is just that I disagree with that life style because of personal beliefs."

同志勇敢曬幸福:元芳,你往哪邊看? (金美翎)


  All the people have their own sexual orientations. You either have same-sex or heterosexual or other types; it is depending on your orientation.

  美國哥倫比亞學院同性學教授Victoria Shannon:“無論是現在還是將來,我覺得同性社群一直都是很有爭議的話題。因為,在這個國家裡,很明顯,種族歧視、性別歧視,還有其它類型歧視還沒有完全擺脫。不過,將來大家也會覺得這些都沒什麼大不了的。解決方式跟'異族交往'話題也非常相似。”

  Victoria Shannon, the LBGT instructor at Columbia College Chicago & LBGT expert, "I don't know if gay and lesbian life will ever become a non-issue, because obviously we're not dealing well with racism in this country or sexism or ableism or any other of the "isms." I think there will come a point when people look back on this issue and think what is the big deal? Very similar to interracial relationships."

同志勇敢曬幸福:元芳,你往哪邊看? (金美翎)


  對於同性戀取向,有些學者認為是“Born that way”,先天因素決定性取向。但也有人認為性取向會被外部環境改變。不過,目前尚無證據能證明性取向“會改變”,相反有大量科學研究表明:無論異性戀還是同性戀,性取向都是與生俱來的,終身不可改變。


同志勇敢曬幸福:元芳,你往哪邊看? (金美翎)


  In fact, media and celebrities influences are powerful factors in changing the understanding of same-sex culture in society.


  One of the most influential Chinese same-sex celebrities is Leslie Cheung. It is hard to imagine, if there was not Leslie's influence, the Chinese entertainment world would be blank in the LBGT society.

同志勇敢曬幸福:元芳,你往哪邊看? (金美翎)

  全球搖滾巨星Elton John的同性生活也始終是媒體關注的焦點。

  The world famous rock star Elton John's same-sex life is always popular in the media world.

  Elton John和他的合法丈夫David Furnish如今已經有兩個孩子了。他們的下一代是否會受到任何影響呢?天下所有同志們領養的後代以後會走什麼路線呢?誰又能預想到整個同性社會的未來會是什麼樣的呢?

  Elton John and his husband David Furnish now have already adopted two children. Will their children have any negative affects by their life choice? What will the same-sex family's next generation be? Who knows what's going to happen next?

視頻:同性戀紀實Out of the closet (指導、製片、後期、播音:金美翎):http://www.danlan.org/disparticle_45568.htm


  金美翎,美國90後華僑女生,芝加哥知名模特兒、雙語媒體記者、瑜伽紅人、圖片和視頻後期製作及美食愛好者。她在騰訊教育博客頻道發表的博文深受讀者喜愛,為華人展示了發生在美國社會的種種生活樂趣,讓更多人了解華僑在美國的生活。曾入圍中國網民文化節博客大賽總決賽,被評為“騰訊新銳教育紅人”。她於2013年期間創立自己的媒體平台“美翎工作室”(Studio Meil​​ing)。
