2004-05-07 02:03:00Lillian

Andre 19 - Hospital

The ambulance took me to the hospital ER. On the way they made me drink some kind of black creamy detoxication. They put me to the bed at the ER, took my blood for test, and did many other procedures. I knew that hospitals see suicidal patients as psychos so I tried to be rational and calm with them in case they go too far on me.

When I lied there at the ER, I felt so cold. I had never felt that cold before. I told the nurse, and he gave me a blanket. It didn’t help. I kept complaining about the coldness, and they gave me one more blanket. I still felt freezing. Soon a very nice old lady I got to know in Bakersfield came to see me at the ER. She found that my hands were icy so she knew that I meant it when I said it was cold. She asked the nurse for more blankets, and eventually I was covered under 9 blankets. Yes, 9. But I was still shivering. I wonder if that is how people feel when they are dying…

Later they push me in the bed to a room. There was another patient who was loud and never stopped talking to herself. It didn’t annoy me though. She actually talked funny so I saw her as a noisy child although she looked over 40 years old.

They hooked me up with intravenous drip. I have very thin veins so it is always hard to get the needles right whenever the medical professionals try. It is hard in Taiwan, and those Americans probably have never dealed with any adult with this tiny vein. They kept failing so I got poked again and again. It sucked.

There was always a nurse in the room. They just sat there and watched TV, they took turns, but they were always there. I thought that the hospital service was really good, but later I was told that it was actually a psyc room. No wonder they always put an eye on the patients.

There were 3 nurses taking turns in my room. 2 were really quite and boring. 1 was different. She was a little hyper and funny. She wanted to put my coat into the closet, and I said no. She immediately asked me, “Why?! Do you have drug in the pocket?” Hell no! I told her that I had my wallet, ID, and everything important in it so I felt safer to keep it with me. She checked the coat and let me have it.

She asked me why I came in. I told her the whole story. She went, “oh, girl. We all have been there. Those men don’t deserve us! Somebody should really woop their asses! I know how you feel!”

(To be continued...)