2007-05-25 02:13:22minixmini

Kaikai Kiki Artist > Aya Takano Solo Show in Miami

这是花果山的第一篇文章哦!我当然是要介绍我喜欢的artist啦!那就是Aya Takano~Aya Takano是Kaikai Kiki旗下的artist之一~今年31岁,年纪轻轻就很出名的artist~喜欢她当然是有原因的!她独特的超现实画风,加上她总爱画裸体(几乎没看过穿衣的),随意的笔触,让我真的是由心底的爱上她!不过本人也蛮喜欢裸体的,因为我觉得裸体就是一个很坦然地表现,在众多目光之下,真实的你才会显现出来~



This year’s first solo show opens in Miami! The theme: waste disposal plants!
Presenting Aya Takano, in the land of perpetual summer: ”Wild dogs, hawks, owls, cats, a landfill the size of 44 and a half Tokyo Domes, the stratosphere.”

The theme of this newly opened exhibition, with a name long enough to get a sense of the artist’s own exhilaration, is ”trash disposal plants.”

The story: One day Aya Takano noticed a strange windmill outside her studio in the Tokyo Bay Area. She found there a waste disposal plant built on a landfill. From this spectacular sight came tales of girls and animals born and raised in a world buried in trash. The story of these mysterious lanky girls and their symbiotic co-existence with these new bird- and dog-like life forms touched the hearts of the denizens of Miami, a city perpetually sinking from global warming.

以下为Aya Takano的作品~
On a moonlight night, their teeth painted black
Mail Mania Mami, Standing in a Storm
Noshi & Meg, on Earth, year 2036
A Night Walk - A Pink Moon Emerged
I like the hollows of the buildings
