2005-08-26 14:51:36minami


我們抵達FES的第一晚,透過Riad Lune et Soleil德國老闆的推薦,至傑露城門旁的Kasbah餐廳用餐。餐廳當天的附餐甜品就是cornes de gazelle”羚羊角”,樣子很可愛,咬一口,哇咧,好甜,而且杏仁味超重!

250 G of flour
1 water tea glass of flower of orange tree
2 knobs of butter molten
500 G of cleaned almonds
300 G of caster sugar
1/2 C with cinnamon C
3 crushed gum arabic grains (optional)
To mix almonds with sugar and 1/2 water glass of flower of orange tree.
To chop first once at the robot. To mix the paste obtained with cinnamon the gum arabic and a knob of butter.
Well to mix and pass by again with the mincer, twice or more until obtaining a compact paste, to work it until it is very flexible.
To make small balls of the size of a plum, to transform them into a small roll frayed at the ends.
In a large dish, to mix the flour, salt, the remainder of butter and water of flower of orange tree. To mix the unit and approximately to knead it during 25 min.
To take a piece of paste and of to make a small ball, to extend it on a scheme of work fariné with a roller while turning over it several times.
To stretch a little with the hands to obtain a rather broad sheet a thickness of 1 mm.
In the medium, to lay out the rolls of almond paste, the ones at sides of the others by leaving an interval of 4 cm.
To fold back one of the parts of the sheet on the other, by thus covering the rolls.
To support with the fingers to seal the edges and to cut half-circles, with a notched caster.
With the hand, to curve each horn while slightly gripping in order to give them the shape of a half-moon.
To prick slightly with a fork, to lay out them on an oiled plate.
To charge 20 min (HT 5), horns of gazelle hardly having to be gilded.

lusheline 2005-09-21 16:28:28

是像日本香蕉那種小小滴香蕉 外頭裹上巧克力
看起來就像是大便 呵呵
以致於我使終沒有勇氣買來吃吃看 而且看起來就是粉甜的樣子...