2006-03-06 12:26:54bawan

Will the sun rise again

Before Sunrise. Isn’t it the most romantic story ever?

Why the sequel after nine year? It destroyed all the unknown beauty and possibilities. It ruins my young and innocent fantasy. I cannot forgive Richard Linklater for making the sequel and I cannot forgive my self for watching it out of pure curiosity. Why can’t things just stay unchanged? If there is no sequel, I can pretend nothing is changed, I can deny the truth that I’ve grown old too like Celine and Jesse as time is weaving on, I can ignore the fact that the idealistic and foolish young girl has tuned into a down-to-earth and nostalgic woman who started to think about the least suitable thing for her which is marriage.

I remember the first time I saw the movie on TV. When it comes to the end where Celine and Jesse were sitting on the train and in the airplane respectively with the background music enhancing, my heart is filled with something and my mind keeps thinking what might happen and how it wouldn’t matter for no one would have a chance to know. But now, after watching the sequel, I watched Before Sunrise again last week and the ending part just tore my hear into pieces. I couldn’t stop my tears. I almost cried my heart out when I think of what would happen to them nine years later. The story should have stopped nine years ago. It should have.



Joyce 2007-02-26 17:49:59

I am curious about this movie now.