2017-05-03 05:47:37michelblc88

where is a fun place to travel


Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse Day Tour

The experience:
It will be your most unforgettable memory ever! Come to Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse to enjoy a day with local aboriginal, find as much fun as you can!
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- Starting Time:9:00am/ 1:30pm
- Depart Point:Hotel in Kuching
- Time Duration:4 hrs approx.
- Return Details:Back to departure point

- Highlights -

# Sit-In-Coach Tour
# Visit to the Bidayuh longhouse built mostly by bamboo
# Tual local wine will be served for you

- What You Can Expect -

Meet at hotel lobby & depart for Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse.

Bidayuh, the second largest ethnic group in Sarawak, is formerly known as the "Land Dayak" and was once also known as the "Engineer of Bamboo". When making a visit to the Bidayuh longhouse, you will be able to see the splendid architecture of their longhouse, which were built mostly by bamboo.

Annah Rais is one of the most famous Bidayuh longhouse in Sarawak, which located about 100 km east from Kuching City and quite close to the Indonesian border. The excursion will take about one and a half-hour on the road. During your visit, you will also be able to view the villagers with their own daily routine like rice pounding and winnowing, basket and mat weaving, bamboo carving, etc.

You will be brought into the most unique and important structure, the "Baruk" or the head house, which situated in the middle of the longhouse. Enemy once used this as a fort to protect the whole village from being attack. Inside the "Baruk", you will be able to view the real human skulls hanging around the fire place in the middle and the also their sacred war drum.

Transfer back to hotel.


- Starting Time:9:00am/ 1:30pm
- Depart Point:Hotel in Kuching
- Time Duration:4 hrs approx.
- Return Details:Back to departure point

- Highlights -

# Sit-In-Coach Tour
# Visit to the Bidayuh longhouse built mostly by bamboo
# Tual local wine will be served for you

- What You Can Expect -

Meet at hotel lobby & depart for Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse.

Bidayuh, the second largest ethnic group in Sarawak, is formerly known as the "Land Dayak" and was once also known as the "Engineer of Bamboo". When making a visit to the Bidayuh longhouse, you will be able to see the splendid architecture of their longhouse, which were built mostly by bamboo.

Annah Rais is one of the most famous Bidayuh longhouse in Sarawak, which located about 100 km east from Kuching City and quite close to the Indonesian border. The excursion will take about one and a half-hour on the road. During your visit, you will also be able to view the villagers with their own daily routine like rice pounding and winnowing, basket and mat weaving, bamboo carving, etc.

You will be brought into the most unique and important structure, the "Baruk" or the head house, which situated in the middle of the longhouse. Enemy once used this as a fort to protect the whole village from being attack. Inside the "Baruk", you will be able to view the real human skulls hanging around the fire place in the middle and the also their sacred war drum.

Transfer back to hotel.


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