2016-01-07 05:42:40michael124zz
學單字 全民英檢報名 英文補習班費用 《中英對照讀新聞》Photo of imperial couple causes
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《中英對照讀新聞》Photo of imperial couple causes stir on Twitter 日本天皇伉儷玉照在推特上引發爭議
2014-06-06◎張沛元A snapshot of Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko widely shared on Twitter has raised questions about the propriety of posting informal pictures of the imperial couple online.日本天皇明仁與皇后美智子一幀在推特上被廣為分享的快照,已引發將天皇伉儷的非正式照片貼上網是否適當的質疑。Taken by an ordinary citizen, the photograph captured the imperial couple smiling to the camera at JR Oyama Station in Tochigi Prefecture on May 22.這張照片是5月22日在櫪木縣JR小田站由一名平民所拍攝,捕捉到天皇伉儷對著鏡頭微笑。The couple stopped there to transfer to the Shinkansen bullet train on their way back to Tokyo after an overnight trip in the prefecture.天皇伉儷之所以在此暫停,是因為兩人在該縣旅遊過夜後,要轉搭新幹線子彈列車返回東京。Cheers erupted among the crowd at the station, including commuting students, when the couple showed up on the concourse. Many people quickly snapped pictures with their smartphones and digital cameras.當天皇伉儷現身車站穿堂時,包括通勤學生在內的群眾爆出歡呼聲線上學英語 英文常用單字 大學家教。許多人立刻用智慧型手機或數位相機拍照。"The emperor was at Oyama Station. I was able to take the best shot," the photographer tweeted along with the picture, which has been retweeted more than 2,700 times.「天皇現身小田站。我拍到最佳照片,」拍攝者將照片發到推特時還寫下圖說,照片被轉推超過2700次。Online feedback has been mixed.網路上對此舉的反應不一。Some people praised the image, saying:"The photo taken by a high school girl captured natural smiles(of the imperial couple)." But there has also been a fair share of negative comments:"I cannot possibly do or won’t do such a thing."有人讚美這張照片,認為「這張由一名女高中生拍攝的照片,捕捉到天皇伉儷的自然笑顏。」但也有不少負面回應:「我不可能這麼做,也不會這麼做。」新聞辭典cause/create a stir:慣用語,引發騷動、波瀾或興奮關注。例句:The squirrel ran through the outfield of the ball park and caused quite a stir.(松鼠跑過棒球場外野,引發一陣騷動。)raise a question/questions about:慣用語,對…有所質疑。show up:慣用語,露面,出現。例句:We waited all day and she never showed up.(我們等了一整天,但她始終沒出現。)
新聞來源台南學英文 找英文家教http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/paper/785152<
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