2008-09-01 14:02:14我の最愛


遍歷瀰漫塵囂露霂的探尋 才能立定志向

獨自咀嚼順逆甘苦不退怯 從此無惑而行

to go through all the vicissitudes of life……….then can make up one's mind

to face everything of the life bravely ………….then can go without ambivalence


Running in the time and way

The Exhibition of Visual Design bY Cheng,Chung-yi


主辦單位: 台南誠品書店Focus店/崑山科技大學視覺傳達設計系

Place: 13F Lection Space of Focus in Tainan eslitebooks 台南Focus店 13F 異文空間展覽

Time: 2008.09.06~09.14

Sponsor: Focus in Tainan eslitebooks

Visual Communication Design Kun Shan University of Technology





《Exhibition introduction》

Confucius says that he devoted himself to learning in fifteen,to make up his mind in thirty,to do everything without ambivalence in forty,to know what should do and what not should do in fifty,to know one's meaning and thought in sixty,to do everything and keep with decorum in seventy. Many people consider that thirty means to get marry and has a family,buactually it has deep meaning is people to learn something from young to old,they can make up their mind and do everything without ambivalence until thirty. However the reality always challenges one's mind and will. o through all the vicissitudes of ten years,people could make up his mind and do everything without ambivalence,it also means the begin of the another phase in the life.


The exhibition name is "Running in the time and way". It means a person to do everything without ambivalence in forty,that is because he go through the challenge of time (spring,summer, fall and winter) and way(east,west,south,north,southeast,southwest,northeast,northwest,up and down),so he can make his dream come true. It also shows that a designer's dream and determination to create for next ten years and to look into the height of the future.

揭開40歲的起始序頁 寫下另一段夢想實踐的章節

此次「四序十方」 鄭中義視覺設計展 展覽,囊括了近十多年來獲獎作品,內容包裝設計、廣告設計、海報設計、標誌設計、形象視覺設計、環境視覺設計暨榮獲第一屆台灣住宅建築獎設計人夢想家-高雄鄭宅…等個人在視覺設計領域中專業且用心的作品。

能夠有緣身為一個設計人,憑藉的不外乎是對設計的堅持與理想,並且盡心盡力為每一天寫下精彩的故事,認真扮演著自己的角色、一步一腳印才能美夢成真。如同坐落在故鄉阿蓮的自宅 -「設計人的夢想家」般的具像體現,也印證著「青本設計」永遠繁盛、年輕、還朔本源的精神理念,揭開這40歲的起始序頁,準備寫下另一段夢想實踐的章節。

Unveil the first page of 40 and write down next chapter for dream

The exhibition of the "running in the time and way "contains many prizewinning creations for more ten years such as packing design, advertisement design, poster design, symbol design, image visual design, environment visual design and win the first of Taiwan dream's house of designer prize- Zheng's House in Kaohsiung.
For a designer, he can create those arts depends on his belief and dream of the design, and always try his best to write down wonderful story from living and play a good roles of himself everyday, step by step to make his dream come true. Just like the A-Lian's house in the hometown, it presents "the dream's house of the designer"

and it also prove the belief of "Qing-Ben design", it means grow, younger and trace the source forever, and then to unveil the first page of 40 and write down next chapter for dream.

活動引用文章:chienhao / 色羊店客
位於 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!j_2ZKaWRAhJAzkg8aR570EYHHQ--/article?mid=459
春藥哪裡買 2020-01-11 01:32:22

