many things are pressured into i feel disappointed i can’t find a way out even the...
catch something or someone for my life.. it’s impossible but it’s averseness of me I t... it can help so many people that just put a picture ...
all unprosperous fuck deficient! 一個比一個自私 少裝自己清純了 幹 真的很...
一件事 一定會有容忍程度上的差異 一件自己造就的事 如果別人愛說 那叫自討苦吃 一件自己無法...
my love!no one can obstruct me maybe you will say that the style of the mus...
禮物 作詞:黃立行/崔惟楷 作曲:黃立行/Jae Chong 編曲:Jae Chong 我還記得他 留下來的疤 現在的...
其實很好笑 大一被誤認為台北人 周末被問說為什麼不回台北 阿我就不是台北人阿我回台北幹麻 事隔...
如題 that’s all
2007跨年 選擇平靜的一頁 一早遇到仔仔 很害羞! 接著趴趴走行程一整個不可靠 約在7-11外...
i have a friend he is so funny his condition ↓ when earthquake, you can take your han...
the same in the title actually..your dream let me shock already but i had scared...