[Film] 竊聽者 The Lives of Others (Das Leben der Anderen)
故事講述秘密警察Wiesler受命調查劇作家Dreyman,於Dreyman的住所作24小時竊聽和監視,以收集他從事叛國活動的證據。 Dreyman成為調查目標,除了因為他是文化藝術者外,更因為當時的文化部局長看上了Dreyman的女友Sieland。 在竊聽和監視的過程中,Wiesler被Dreyman及其他有識之仕的見解打動了。 他原來“效忠”國家的堅定意向亦開始動搖。 最後他更不惜一切協助Dreyman 逃過當權者的追捕。
故事題材是嚴肅的。 Wiesler由冷酷無情的秘密警察教官,變成營救受迫害人士的勇者,這份改變就是受到正義之心的驅使。 自問自己不會像Wiesler般勇敢,但有時候我也很感概,生活裡的黑與白好像已變得越來越模糊。 明明不公義的事,大家卻不會(還是不敢?)表示甚麼,甚至還有不少人把那些歪理說成理所當然的樣子~~ 很討厭!! 每次都讓我很氣憤! 所以當看到Wiesler和其他勇於表達己見的學者的行為時,我真的從心敬佩他們(雖然可能故事純屬虛構~)!
結局很感人,完場前的一句對白──”Das ist fuer mich!” (這是給我的!),是一句很有意思、很具份量的話! 多年來兩位雖一直沒有接觸,但憑書上的幾個字便知道一切在心中,不言而喻吧! 另外我很高興看到“好人”真的有“好報”,不至於是悲情結局。 維護正義的人反而得不到好下場,在現實中看得太多了~~~
1. 我覺得這齣電影挺好看,並不沉悶,不過我也確實在戲院內聽到有人呼呼大睡的聲音~~哈!
2. 我猜飾演Sieland的女演員Martina Gedeck 應該是一名很有名的德國演員。 在我僅看過的幾齣德國電影當中,已是第四次看到她的演出,包括在 Rossini, Mostly Martha, Der schoensten Tag des Leben, 其實我蠻喜歡她的!
3. 朋友問,德國電影都是這麼嚴肅的嗎?這個嘛,也不盡是吧! <Mostly Martha美味關係>和<Goodbye Lenin>就是一些好例子! 不過以戰爭、東西德及現代社會問題為題的德國電影確實也不少!
4. 朋友問我,聽得懂德語對白嗎? 完全不看subtitles我想是不太可能的。 現在總算能catch到keywords,以及那些較簡單的對白。但比較長的對白,又或者演員說得很快的時候,就不太能manage! 不過我也會盡力嘗試去聽,當作聽力訓練嘛! 其實有時候看英語電影我也要看中文subtitles, 有時候就是聽不清楚,畢竟不是母語,而且某些演員的口音又很重~~
Great introduction and comment!
But actually I didn`t enjoy the film too much. On one hand I didn`t find it very convincing. A well-experienced Stasi agent turned senior trainer, quiet and cool-headed. Simply by doing something he used to do, tapping others and performing surveilance, is that enough to make him to change his judgement from the bottom up and afterwards turn to protect the civilians from being abused? I am skeptical about it.
On the other hand, just hoping there are one or two so-called good people exist in the state apparatus, if this is all a citizen could do to to protect their own selves from state abuse, is it really something worth celebrating?
Lastly, I wonder how the germans perceive upon reunification. This movie is newly produced, and remember the conversation between the Cultural Kanzler & the Dreyer after reunification?
Thanks K for coming!
You are quite right! A well-experienced Stasi Agent got convinced might not be so easily convinced! But I tried to accept that Dreyman and his friends were wise men and that by tapping their conversation broadened Wiesler`s vision!
The last conversation between the Cultural Kanzler and Dreyman was really interesting. Yes, it somehow reveals how East German people think abt the ex-East Germany and the Reunification. ^o^