2004-07-30 00:11:06Marisa

Updated status - 29 July 2004

As updated on 29 July 2004 at 10:30 am,
the fund we've raised so far is HK$ 2080. (altogether)

Details of the transcations between
27 July 2004 04:30pm to 29 July 2004 10:30am are as follows:

1. HK$ 300 (27July2004)
2. HK$ 500 (28July2004)
3. HK$ 100 (28July2004)
4. HK$ 500 (28July2004)
5. HK$ 100 (29July2004)
6. HK$ 290 (29July2004)

If anyone banked in money during the above period but cannot find the transaction here, please let us know.

Thank you everyone.