【在生活中學習語言】中英對照讀新聞:Boss bans smelly undies 老闆下令禁穿異味內衣褲
中英對照讀新聞:Boss bans smelly undies--- 老闆下令禁穿異味內衣褲
Boss bans smelly undies
The boss of a Serbian company has banned staff from coming into work with dirty underwear.
Milomir Gligorijevic said: "I am fed up with people with poor personal hygiene standards. I have now made it a sackable offence for people to come in without having a shower - or with dirty underwear."
He has also banned staff from smelling after eating garlic - warning that they need to make sure they brush their teeth - and use perfume and deodorant.
Gligorijevic, who runs a 30-staff stationery company in the capital Belgrade, sent out an official memo to all employees demanding they adopt good standards of personal hygiene.
The memo warned all employees to make sure they brush their teeth, take showers regularly and change their underpants every day.
He did not say how he would make sure his clean underpants rule was followed but warned it would be enforced.
新聞辭典 Dictionary
undies:underwear 的俗稱,多指較小巧的內衣褲,如女性及小孩內衣褲。男女士穿的內衣褲,通稱為underwear, underclothes或underclothing。上身穿的英國稱undervest,美國叫undershirt,下身穿的稱為underpants。進一步細分,短內褲稱做pants,而男三角內褲稱做briefs, lingerie則是泛指貼身的女用性感內衣褲。
fed up with:片語,對…感到厭煩或不滿。亦可說成 fed up about或 fed up of。例句:I’m fed up of waiting for him -- I’m going home! (我等他等得不耐煩─我要回家了!)
smell:動詞,發出…氣味。例句: You both smell brandy.(你倆身上都有股白蘭地酒的氣味。)