2008-03-30 13:13:57 落葉之楓

【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Russian farmer sues space agency for fall


《中英對照讀新聞》Russian farmer sues space agency for falling rocket俄國農民因火箭墜落控告太空局

A shepherd is suing Russia’s space agency for compensation after he said a 3-metre-long chunk of metal from a space rocket fell into his yard, just missing his outdoor toilet.


Boris Urmatov, who is asking for 1 million roubles from the Roskosmos agency, lives in a small village that lies underneath the flight path of rockets taking off from the Baikonur launchpad Russia leases in nearby Kazakhstan.


"Something woke him up in the night, like something exploded. Since he’s visually handicapped he didn’t notice the fallen rocket parts," Urmatov’s sister Marina told Reuters from the village of Kyrlyk, in Russia’s Altai region.


"But in the morning in front of the shepherd hut he saw this enormous metal casing, as smooth as an egg," she said by telephone from the village, which is 3,500 km east of Moscow. "It nearly crushed the outhouse."


She said her brother was seeking damages to compensate him for the stress he suffered.



launchpad:通常寫做launch pad或launching pad,指火箭的發射臺、起飛坪,後引申為出發點、跳板。

lease:動詞,租賃。出租時為lease … out(將…出租),承租為lease … from(自某人承租…)。

damages:名詞,賠償金。The claimant won’t get any damages.(原告將拿不到賠償金。)

