2008-04-08 13:12:46 落葉之楓

【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》 Pilot refuses to land at new airport 機師拒


《中英對照讀新聞》 Pilot refuses to land at new airport 機師拒絕在新機場降落


An airline pilot took his passengers on a 1,200-mile detour after refusing to land at a new airport in India because he had never heard of it.


With 233 passengers on board, the KLM pilot first diverted the flight to Hyderabad from Amsterdam northwards to New Delhi.


But after he was denied permission to land in New Delhi, he flew on to Mumbai and finally landed two hours later.


The pilot reportedly claimed he knew nothing about Hyderabad’s new Rajiv Gandhi International airport. Airport officials insisted all airlines had been notified of it opening on March 14.


But a report in the Times of India revealed a number of pilots had complained their flight computers did not recognise the new airport.


The computers believed the aircraft were descending at an unknown place and issued verbal warnings, saying: "Terrain, terrain, pull up. Too low." Most Indian pilots, who know the land around the new airport is flat, switch off the warning and continue their descent.



notify:動詞,通知。例句:I have notified them of my arrival.(我已通知他們我來了。)

pull up:片語,拉升(航空用語)、停下。例句:They pulled up in front of Room 18.(他們在18號房門口停下。)

switch off:片語,關閉。例句:The policeman switched off the electricity.(這名警察關閉了電源。)

