【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Driver charged with speeding blames poorl
Police say a man’s excuse for speeding through a small Connecticut town takes the cake.
A state trooper who stopped the 1993 BMW last fall says its driver, 28-year-old Justin Vonkummer of Millerton, New York, blamed his driving problems on an errant Oreo.
Vonkummer told the trooper that an Oreo had just slipped from his fingers as he dunked it in a cup of milk, and that he was trying to fish it out when he lost control of his car.
Prosecutors learned in court that Vonkummer had been charged with speeding and driving under a suspended license -- not driving under the influence, as a clerk had mistakenly noted in the court records.
Oreo:奧利奧餅乾。美國口語中常以某特定品牌泛指該類商品。例如,「面紙」不說tissue paper,而說Kleenex(一種面紙品牌),「棉花棒」不說cotton swab,而說Q-tips;FedEx是「快遞」的代名詞,Xerox是「影印」的代名詞。由於是「泛指」,並不意味發話者指名採用該品牌,如Could you FedEx/Xerox this for me?是請求協助「快遞」或「影印」。本文中的Oreo,專指奧利奧餅乾,非泛指餅乾。
something/someone takes the cake:片語,意指某事或某人是最極端的範例,通常作負面使用。例句:I’ve spent a lot of money on shopping but you take the cake.(我已經花很多錢血拼了,但還是比不上你。)
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