2008-04-21 18:38:35 落葉之楓

【在生活中學習語言】Many Potential Leaders of Tomorrow Reject the Role

【在生活中學習語言】Many Potential Leaders of Tomorrow Reject the Role明日政治領袖 有潛質拒當官 
  2008/4/13 | 作者:黃裕美輯譯
  A new nationwide survey of girls and boys found that a majority of children and youths in the United States have little or no interest with achieving leadership roles when they become adults, ranking "being a leader" behind other goals such as "fitting in," "making a lot of money" and "helping animals or the environ-ment."


The study commissioned by the Girl Scouts of the USA and released March 27 determined that three-quarters of African American girls and boys and Hispanic girls surveyed already identify themselves as leaders, a much larger group than white youths, about half of whom think of themselves this way.


The youths defined leaders as peo-ple who prize collaboration, stand up for their beliefs and values, and try to improve society. Girls in particular endorsed these approaches, although a majority of boys did, as well. Yet when asked in focus groups about leadership styles among adults, what they described was traditional top-down management.


Judy Schoenberg, research director for the Girl Scouts, said the youths in the survey "see a disconnect between what they aspire to and what is."


The survey comes amid a presiden-tial campaign that has expanded the role models for leadership by provid-ing, for the first time, the distinct possibility that a woman or an African American may become the country's leader. Still, that has not seemed to motivate many young people to aspire to leadership roles.


"The millennial generation has am-bivalent, even negative, feelings about formal leadership," said Peter Levine, director of a nonpartisan research center at the University of Maryland that studies young people and civic involvement. "They prefer horizontal leadership in which everyone's a leader."


Youth experts said the survey, which included a random sample of more than 4,000 children ages 8 to 17, provides a rare in-depth look at how the next group of voters -- es-pecially female voters -- views lead-ership of all kinds.


With 2.6 million members, Girl Scouts of the USA is the nation's largest organization for girls. The group's executives were pleased that four-fifths of both sexes said that women and men are equally qualified to lead. This was not the case in the mid-1980s, said chief executive Kathy Cloninger.


What concerned Cloninger and others was not only that girls did not desire to be future leaders but also that many feared they would not be capa-ble enough to assume leadership roles. Twenty-one percent of girls said they had most of the qualities of a leader, such as being outgoing, hardworking and responsible. They also said they lack the ability to command people and, if they tried to do so, they would be laughed at by their peers or seen as bossy and make people mad.


Boys cited far fewer personal rea-sons for not wanting to be a leader, including a lack of experience and simply being uninterested.


African American and Hispanic girls are considerably less likely than white girls to worry about their capabilities. Young minority females tend to have more responsibilities than whites at home and in their communities, ex-perts said.


Youths in the Girl Scouts study rated parents as very influential in helping them aspire to become leaders -- more so than friends, coaches and celebrities. Mothers topped the role-model list with 81 percent of girls and 75 percent of boys.

女童軍所調查研究的年輕族群認為,父母在幫助她們希望成為領袖上很有影響力,比朋友、老師和名人要高得多。有81% 女生和75%男生說,母親高居榜首,是他們的角色典範。

This may help explain youths' re-luctance to endorse traditional styles of leadership, Schoenberg said. Mothers, who were also surveyed in the poll, said that they want their daughters and sons to develop their talents. Leadership skills, if they hap-pened, were a byproduct.

