2008-04-24 16:14:46 落葉之楓

【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》’You’re dumped’ : Texting makes life easi

《中英對照讀新聞》’You’re dumped’ : Texting makes life easier for cowards 「你被甩了」:簡訊讓懦夫的生活簡單一些


Technology is making many of us cowards when it comes to breaking up with a partner or sacking staff, say researchers.


We opt to send email or text messages to keep a "digital distance" when relaying bad news to colleagues, friends or partners.


More than seven out of ten of us admit delegating difficult tasks at work by email and text.


More than half also use a text or email message to apologise for a workplace mistake.


One in eight workers has resigned via a text message or email while 2 per cent of bosses have fired someone with a digital communication.


It also reveals that 3 per cent of adults admit to ending a relationship by text message in the past 12 months.


Stewart Fox-Mills, head of telecoms at the Post Office, said: "Each generation’s communication style can differ dramatically, sometimes leading to inappropriate behaviour or cultural insensitivity."



dump︰傾倒,拋棄。例句:If he’s so awful, why don’t you just dump him?(如果他這麼爛,幹嘛不甩了他就好?)

text︰此指「簡訊」(text message),可當名詞或動詞(傳送簡訊)用。

...out of...︰幾個裡面有幾個。例句:Nine out of ten people said they liked the product.(10個人裡有9個說他們喜歡這個產品。)

