【在生活中學習語言】〈 職人英語通〉 樂翻天!On cloud nine!
【在生活中學習語言】〈 職人英語通〉 樂翻天!On cloud nine!
文/Dr.J.J. 圖/老唐
要形容心情愉快有很多種方式來做表達,英文裡有一個說法 〞On cloud nine! 〞直接翻譯成中文,就是「在第九層雲端上」。
有關這個俚語的來源,可謂眾說紛紜,有人說是根據美國氣象局把雲層分為9級而來;也有人說這用法來自《但丁》神曲裡面的描述,因為在這部作品裡,第九重天(ninth heaven)是最接近神的地方。
姑且不論字源為何,〞cloud nine 〞常被用來比擬「最高的境界」。所以如果要用英文來表達自己「真是樂翻天了」,就可以〞on cloud nine〞這句話來做表達。想想,中文裡「九霄雲外」也恰巧用「九」這個數字來形容既高且遠的地方,就很容易記住這句英文俚語囉。
Jerry:Yipee! I got the offer letter!
Kathy:Wow! I’m so happy for you. I know you’ve been waiting for this for the whole week.
Jerry:You bet! I almost gave up. They said they would contact me as soon as possible after the interview. I thought I did well but again it’s such a well-established company and there were so many candidates.
Kathy:Well, your hard work pays off at the end. I remember you even did a presentation at the interview.
Jerry:I did. I spent so much time to prepare and I really worked hard to put together a plan for the company’s future operation.
Kathy:Let me buy you a nice dinner tonight.
Jerry:Nope, the other way around. Let’s go to a fancy restaurant now and it’s all on me. I’m really on cloud nine!