【在生活中學習語言】中英對照讀新聞:Is Einstein the Last Great Genius? 愛因斯坦是末代
Major breakthroughs in science have historically been the province of individuals, not institutes. Galileo and Copernicus, Edison and Einstein, toiling away in lonely labs or pondering the cosmos in private studies.
But in recent decades the trend has been to create massive institutions that foster more collaboration and garner big chunks of funding.
And it is harder now to achieve scientific greatness. A study of Nobel Prize winners in 2005 found that the accumulation of knowledge over time has forced great minds to toil longer before they can make breakthroughs. The age at which thinkers produce significant innovations increased about six years during the 20th century.
Don’t count the individual genius out just yet, however.
A balance between individual and institutional approaches is the best idea, according to a new theory by a Duke University engineer Adrian Bejan.
The next Einstein?
A 35-year study in 2006, which looked at mathematically gifted children to see what they ended up doing with their lives, revealed he or she might be a baby now, or perhaps is yet to be born.
Dictionary 新聞辭典
toil away :片語,長時間辛苦研究、工作。例句:She has been toiling away on her science project for months. (她為她的科學作業已經辛苦研究好幾個月了。)
ponder:動詞,思索。例句:He pondered every single word before answer the prosicutor’s question. (他回答檢察官問話前,每個字都經過仔細思量。)
count someone in/out:片語,把某人算在內/排除在外。例句:Count me in , I wanna be part of this project too. (算我一份,我也想參與這項計畫。)
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