2004-02-27 21:41:00降落傘


Courtney說 我是另類America's sweetheart 身穿美麗公主裝 從墓園甦醒 裙襬搖搖 銳不可擋小女孩部隊出動 亮出機關槍電鋸 歡聲雷動 嘶聲吶喊 追的男人氣喘噓噓 心滿意足 躺回墓園快樂沉淪

oh god you owe me one more song
so i can prove to you that
i'm so much better than him
oh god just gonna listen fast
here comes the crash
we're gonna rise above
we're gotta smash it up
you won't abandon us again
give us brilliant boys that we wanna fuck man
full of ecstasy, hard drugs and bad luck
圖片取自 http://www.courtneylove.com/