2005-02-13 23:46:44[曼蒂]

ㄖ Don''t be affraid of seeing Chinese ㄖ

Many people tend to consider that whether there are a lot of Chinese in the University or not when they are choosing which University they want to apply for.
I don’t think it is a serious problem.
I was considering such a thing when I was choosing the Universities.
I was afraid that I might not practice my English or I might not make friends with native students.

it depends on what kind of person you are.
As for me, I am not the one who can talk happily to the people I first met. I need some time to make new friends.
It is a shortcoming, however, when you go abroad for further study for only a year.
Just to be honestly, it’s not easy to make a good “British” friend here.
You will tend to get close to the classmates those who can speak the same language as you do.

Well, I still make some friends who come from other countries except China.
But most of the time the one who can accompany with you is yourself.

So, I won’t advice my friend who want to go abroad for further study to choose a University that has few Chinese.

You won’t meet all the Chinese here anyway~!