2006-02-15 20:25:39m__m

Home Sick

Aiya...these days i got home sick very badly...because at the time in hk, i feel very warm...of course i know they will only treat me like that only when i just stay in a short period (i m sure my brother wont’ play with me if i stay in hk for long.

Maybe i must tell you what my family did to me....

My mother called me in the morning (she go to do morning excerise), and will ask me, what do i want to eat for breakfast. and she prepare all the warm clothing for me to go to japan, she rang me and ask me what soup do i want to drink at night...

My Father talked to me in some funny way to ask me to go back for work, and say he will get a bigger house, so we can live together, he hug me and ask me not to go back to sydney...at the time my parents take me to the airport, we did not talk at all, because we know we are all going to cry...

My brother took me to shoppoing, as he know i don’t have any hk friend in hk, every night, he sit next to me, playing his PSP next to me, and we both listen to the radio, and laughing together until 2am...everytime i ask him no need to play with me like that, he just joking and say he will sleep at his office...

My sister, although she don’t show anything, she is not good at that anyway, and we even have some serious fight...but i know she doesn’t mean it...she even bought the Yanzi concert ticket a month ago, as she know i like that....and the place in Toyko, actually she been there last year, but she still go there with me, to the Totoro Museum....

I don’t know what to say,,,,i just feel very lonely by myself in a big house in sydney...

i been praying at the time my sister went back last year...i don’t know what God want me to do...

i love my work here in sydney, i love the lifestyle, i love the church here...

although i hate the hk lifestyle, but i do love my family very much...and my family love me very much too...

i feel i m a fool, to make them upset in hk...

please pray for me....


Home Sick Mandi