2004-06-17 23:14:44張megmeg

Our Slave Life of being an Auditor


Being an auditor, u have to learn to give up many things, ur hobbies, ur spare time, ur friends, and even urself, almost all ur time belongsto work and the firm.In peak season, everyone works overtime almost everyday, the standard working hours is 40 per week, but it's quite common for an auditor to work over 100 hours in just one week.

For myself, I had many times to work for a whole MONTH without having rest for one day, and in the month, I even never saw the sun as I worked from morning to midnight or even the next dawn. And I believe everyone had the same experiences like me. And now, there is even no difference between "peak season" and "slack season", everyday is occupied.

We are human beings, we are not feelingless machines, even machines
have time to be maintained, but who ever cared about us? Who ever cared
about when we could have dinner, who ever cared about when we could go to bed, who ever cared about how many hours we could fall asleep, who ever cared about our bitterness and who ever cared about our tears?!
Do you know how depressed and even desperate the auditors are? Do
you know how many people have ever cried over the unbearable
pressure --- both physical and psychological.? Do you know how many people have cursed the firm as feeling being treated inhumanly? Do you know how many have fallen ill as being tortured by the work? Do you know how many sleepless nights they have had in the past years? Do you know that someone suddenly cried at the table in midnight without any notice? Do you know that some others rushed into the washroom to cry loudly

We have no time for rest, and we even have no time to adjust our
mood.We have no way to let out our pressure and bitterness, maybe only by tears, but in most time, we even have no time to cry.

雖然我不是最wok 的一個,但我都嚐過呢種不見天日,連續一個月冇假放,日日放at least 12點,even lunar new year都要返足咁多日,要做0既野太多,人太小,時間更小,試過放工回家時,已經見到巴士司機開始返工,人地返工,我先放工,而人地返工,我都一樣返工,一日當兩日用,你有冇試過第二朝目訓醒時,頭髮仍然係濕未?你有冇試過天寒地凍三更半夜見到你老豆係屋企樓下等接你返屋企。你有冇試過要做手術請假都要用cancel of 已經applied 0既annual leave 做條件。

有人說食得咸魚抵得渴,一個a/c fresh grad 為0左考試,為0左3年experience 我有選擇嗎?10點放工都覺得好幸福,星期日唔洗返工係感恩,星期一至日晚係黑漆漆0既工廠放工,日日食難食到死0既外賣,日日見得最多0既人係同事而同住0既家人則一眼都見唔到,冇晒朋友,唔知有冇得目訓,唔知幾點先走得,呢種生活真係外人不能夠感受到。

pls 不要再懷疑我地OT 0既必然性,你們眼見我地表面上年年有人工加,有職升懶風光,但有好多個你地高床暖枕的晚上,我地仲係度做緊野,EVEN你地起身我地都仲做緊,你地放假行街食飯拍拖的時候,我地都一樣做緊野。

That's our slave life!!