2009-10-06 08:59:00

Dear , if there were a song for you....


sure , you know it will be this.  ^_^

Happy Birthday!

2009-10-06 12:01:04

呵.. 我昨天晚上十點 call 某工程師小朋友



我:噢~ 那不然立馬回家去睡覺


(難得我有空可以看韓劇啊 噗~)

bean 2009-10-06 11:16:15

Happy Birthday... Ball...............
I haven't talked to you for a while too... miss u.

頭. 2009-10-06 09:12:26

well... The last time we talked is this February. Hard to believe, right? I do understand why you say it seems forever ago, because it is for me, too.

I know that. Sometimes I know that more than anybody. :)

But... But... the next February is coming....

嗯哈哈.... 快回來幫阿公一起種田吧!