2006-10-10 13:30:27

061010 , Birthday, are you happy ?

Today is your birthday.
The news are not so happy that I turn my head and turn off the TV.

It is said that the politics is everybody’s business. It is proved now, but I don’t like it.

I don’t support any side. I just worry about how long and how much this war will take. So far, we already pay a lot for the fighting.

Do who standing there to fight care about the land? Can you tell me if the world could be better when your wish come true? You and I all know it will not better. The history just repeat and repeat again. The difference is only who own the power to control all the resources and you like the one or not.

I sit there, and think about : will the news be broadcast to BZ ? if Guerra ask me about the news, what do I want to tell him? How can I explain ? If the general do on the stage, what will he think about Taiwan? Thanks god. All the anwsers are No.

It’s Thanksgiving there and it is birthday of my land.

Do I have to the courage to write this?

Hey! I do wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
2006-10-11 12:05:32

To 豆:

對啊,That’s why I ask you :
”why Sean choose Taiwan”

這塊土地的確有一堆人在為台灣努力,我們也都算是;同時間,在 BZ 一群人正在籌備國慶酒會,要呈現台灣到底為那塊土地作了什麼;又或者有另外一群人正在挑戰世界最險峻的六座(?)大山(結束了?);我站在誠品裡看著<無米樂>的VCD;又或者有人在為著河川和土壤汙染努力著,心裡也真的就一股熱血啊.


2006-10-11 11:47:52

To 拿鐵 : 真是稀客 :D

To 拿鐵 和 球 :






2006-10-11 11:20:32

其實 還好 ~我在這從沒看到任何相關新聞

談起這些事 她微著笑對著我說
繼續的在這塊土地上打拼 找尋未來
這只是一個過程 過了這段 生活還是生活”

她不是信徒 卻從這個活動中 感受到台灣人的愛
聽著聽著 我也笑了
是阿! 台灣還是有很多熱愛這個土地的人呢 ^^

我問Sean ”Why is Taiwan? Why do you decide to study there?”
Sean: ”因為我愛台灣!”
好吧 我們也算很努力的在推廣台灣摟 ya^^