2010-09-22 19:10:12Luke

派男傳奇 〈絕種〉 (Dying Breed)











導演是新人,沒拍過什麼作品,這部是他第一次執導的劇情長片,幾個編劇也不是什麼熟面孔。倒是男主角Matt(也就是上頭的男A)是編劇、製片經驗頗豐的Leigh Whannell,〈奪魂鋸〉系列第二集開始皆出自他手中。

除了混合傳說級生物「袋狼」及澳洲著名的食人囚犯亞歷山大‧皮爾斯(Alexander Pearce)的事蹟,〈絕種〉明顯也參考了〈瘋狂理髮師〉的故事設定,食人魔住屋下的山洞可比對陶德理髮店的地下室,做成人肉派的梗也被用來暗示觀眾。好吃嗎?我相信肉類只要新鮮,經過正確的調味後應該都不錯。

既然提到了食人魔,這大名鼎鼎的皮爾斯的傳奇當然要說一下。澳洲早期是英國罪犯被流放之處(現在則是炙手可熱的遊學去處),而塔斯馬尼亞由於是島嶼更增添了逃離的困難。在北愛爾蘭因偷了六雙鞋子而被判流放到馮‧迪門之島(Van Diemen's Land,塔斯馬尼亞的舊稱)。在島上他因多次攻擊紀錄而被通緝,被捕獲後進行二次流放,這次來到了位於離島「莎拉島」上惡名昭彰的「馬奎里港流放站」(Macquarie Harbour Penal Station)。在這裡,鞭刑是家常便飯,食材因取得不易而帶來了營養不良跟疾病。而為了讓這些重罪犯無力脫逃,麵包裡還特別混入蕈類而讓它們能在最短時間內發霉,逼迫囚犯拿到手就趕緊吞掉否則只能拿來培養香菇。想逃?莎拉島對外唯一的峽谷被囚犯們稱為「地獄之門」,既窄而淺,許多囚犯在輸送途中就淹死在海中。有一名島上的囚犯殺死了另一名囚犯只為被判處死刑,因為這是他唯一的解脫方式。





技巧上,〈絕種〉主要是透過大量的剪接來呈現殺人的畫面,效果相當有限。老頭拿假牙嚇人、酒館老闆被弓箭穿頰、男B被捕獸夾夾到都還蠻歡樂的,我有笑;大家演技都還可以,不過Leigh Whannell感覺沒有很入戲;劇情還OK,過程中也不會有太多讓人覺得煩悶的地方,但相對也沒什麼驚喜。最後結局時我本來想說應該是被火車撞死的老橋段,沒想到居然是酒館老闆娘亂入後還自殺,出人意料,但也沒特別使我眼睛一亮。合理嗎?也算啦!畢竟一開始老闆娘就不想讓這群外來客過夜,其實是想保護他們吧!




1. A Tale They Won't Believe
By Weddings Parties Anything


We left Macquarie Harbour it was in the pouring rain
none of us quite sure if we would see England again
some fool muttered death or liberty
there was six of us together a jolly hungry crew
and as the days went by you know our hunger quickly grew
some fool muttered death or liberty

So that night we made fires out of twigs and out of bark
and our stomachs they were grumbling all through the night so dark
we were only trying to keep ourselves alive
but when the sun came up next morning well the six had turned to five

And I said, right there’s another one, don’t you frown,
Chew the meat and hold it down, It’s a tale they won’t believe,
When I get down to Hobart town

All five of us were nervous and I'll tell you that’s a fact
bu you should have seen the bastard who was carrying the axe
He was a sick man he had murder in his heart

And then we reached the Franklin River, and it took two days to cross
we were wet and almost starvin’ and for food were at a loss
we were hungry men with murder on our minds.

So that night we made a fire out of twigs and out of bark
and our stomachs they were rumbling all through the night so dark,
And they were making noises the dead could not ignore
and when the sun came up next morning,
the five had turned to four!

And I said, right there’s another one, don’t you frown,
Chew the meat and hold it down, It’s a tale they won’t believe,
When I get down to Hobart town

Well the four of us kept marching to a place called Western Teirs
A country full of tasty game but for us it held no cheer
we had no guns we were traveling without hope.
But the axe it loomed so ominous and God's hand was at play
a sick man is a type of game which can not run away
so stay easy, my poor man, your time's at hand.

So that night we made fires out of twigs and out of bark
and our stomachs they were grumbling all through the night so dark
I can't say I feel guilty, after all it wasn't me
but when the sun came up next morning the four had turned to three

And I said, right there’s another one, don’t you frown,
Chew the meat and hold it down, It’s a tale they won’t believe,
When I get down to Hobart town

well the three of us kept moving but one was fading fast
he had been bitten by a snake and you could see he would not last
stay easy my good man your time is at hand
and when he could last no longer his days were fading fast
we were far to weak to carry him subsistency comes first
stay easy my good man your time is at hand

So that night we made fires out of twigs and out of bark
and our stomachs they were grumbling all through the night so dark
It was a messy job but it was one we had to do
but when the sun came up next morning the three had turned to two

And I said, right there’s another one, don’t you frown,
Chew the meat and hold it down, It’s a tale they won’t believe,
When I get down to Hobart town

Now he had been looking at me funny, sort of eyeing me for days,
And you would not need to be too bright to know that bastard’s ways:
He was a sick man, he had murder in his heart.
But even bastards have to rest, and even bastards have to sleep,
And when he was in the land of Nod straight over I did creep,
and the axe that he had wielded now was mine.

So that night, I made the fire, out of twigs and out of bark,
and my stomach it kept rumbling all through the night so dark.
I can’t say that I enjoyed it, and it wasn’t exactly fun,
but when the sun came up next morning, the two had turned to one!

And I said, right there’s another one, don’t you frown,
Chew the meat and hold it down, It’s a tale they won’t believe,
When I get down to Hobart town

Well now history is a pack of lies, as any fool can tell,
So when I got down to Hobart town I told my story well,
But do you think they would believe one word I said?
For they thought that I was covering for my mates still at large,
Said they’d be roaming in the bush so wild and free,
And back to old Macquarie Harbour they sent me

But I remember the fires made out of twigs and made of bark
and my stomach it was grumbling all through the night so dark
And this young fool he just said to me it's liberty or death
and he looked a rather tasty one, I just could not help it singing

And I said, right there’s another one, don’t you frown,
Chew the meat and hold it down, It’s a tale they won’t believe
When I get down to Hobart town

A tale they won't believe

2. Words From The Executioner To Alexander Pearce
By The Drones


Tell me how are you coping
Now that it's time to go
Can you see the chariots
Swinging low
Up over the huon pine and out to the snow
How much treachery
Can you possibly know

Well your chaplain loves these
Death row boys
More than he loves me
As though I have the choice
You pour in from the trees
You say an Irish boy should never
Wear the hood
But I wear it for you
And you are here for me

Tell me how are you coping
Now that it's time to leave
How can you burn more
You've been burning for years
They assumed when you fled
You were good as dead
Was their indifference crueler
Than your nothing to eat

How much of the venom
Can a tiger snake eat
There are no whores in heaven
No boys at your feet
And tell me how do we taste
It's a curious place, a mountain
To resort to customs of the sea

Well your chaplain loves your
Death row boys
More than he loves me
He abandons you to prayer
Turns so he won't see
You standing alone
As you were all along
To descend fear first
Abscond from the earth

We were meant to meet
Your exile is reached
You're home