2019-05-26 11:52:46澳洲RAFA高階芳療師吳小貓
doTERRA Japan May 2019 Product Promotions and Specials
一、 Save 10% In May(Save 10% OFF)-2019年5月九折主打星- 10 % Discount Product in May 2019:doTERRA® Purify Cleansing Blend(Purify Refreshing Blend)淨化清新複方精油15ml。
※doTERRA多特瑞Taiwan台灣、Hong Kong香港、Japan日本、Singapore新加坡、Malaysia馬來西亞、Europe歐洲、Guatemala瓜地馬拉市場同步活動!
二、Special Enrollment Promotion period May 1 – June 1, 2019 .
新人入會(Wellness Advocate 獨立產品顧問/WA健康倡導者會員 or Wholesale Membership優惠顧客/ Wholesale Customer WC愛用會員)達標100PV贈送50PV產品點數!
single 100 PV enrolment order through the Japan between May 1 - June 1,2019 and get 50 points.
三、New Products(New Releases) 2019/5/16新品上市
1. Turmeric Curcuma longa (brazil)薑黃精油15ml (產地:India印度、Nepal尼泊爾)
2. Magnolia Touch Michelia alba呵護系列-白木蘭花精油(白玉蘭花精油/木蓮花精油) (產地:China中國)
*以上1.Turmeric薑黃精油、2.Magnolia Touch呵護系列-白木蘭花精油(白玉蘭花精油/木蓮花精油) 和Pink Pepper粉紅胡椒精油 doTERRA Taiwan多特瑞台灣市場5/16也同步新品上市了~
3. Green Mandarin Citrus nobilis青橘精油15ml(產地:brazil巴西)
4. Lumo Diffuser超音波七彩極光芳香噴霧器(Lumo迷戀芳香噴霧器)
5. Copaiba Softgels古巴香脂軟膠囊(60粒)
6. On Guard® Sanitizer Spray (On Guard Sanitizing Mist) 保衛複方淨化噴霧27ml
7. doTERRA Kids Oil Collection 多特瑞兒童精油系列~溫柔寶貝套裝
8.更換容量包裝DDR prime完美修護複方精油15ml
2019.05.26澳洲RAFA高階芳療師 吳小貓彙整
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