Chinese classical books are indeed worth reading. Enrich not merely your spirit and your thinking to be activated as well.
.... 。 🐻 一早起床看到手機跳著我選的幾隻幣下跌的厲害啊⋯⋯ 於是很開心的心想這是要準備起飛了嗎? 哈! 期待。 然後得
這一刀,讓我有機會跟之前學習的經驗,無論是認知還是靈性,做一些連結與印證。 親身走了這一遭,才明白即使罹癌後身邊有很多人陪伴
省到累積:Bal b/f TW$14,553+早餐TW$48+午餐+TW$64+晚餐TW$160+當天不買超過三餐吃喝TW$160+不買茶啡TW$160=TW$14,553 Bal c/f
Chinese classical books are indeed worth reading. Enrich not merely your spirit and your thinking to be activated as well.