2011-06-05 23:39:10 阿月



我的名字是我的名字是-Jimi,我來自美國西雅圖華盛頓,但的生活是在臺灣、 西雅圖、 伊朗、 印尼、 和義大利渡過的。

    我的家人在我小學時開始吃得健康 (少肉、 低鹽) 從大學開始,我成為素食主義者。1990 年開始吃素食。素食主義的一段時間之後,我開始感到虛弱,,每次我站了起來,就看到星星,並常暈眩,甚至暈倒了幾次。這些症狀看起來類似缺鐵,這樣的症狀持續了 6 個月。這引起我對素食者營養健康問題開始了進一步研究,我終於意識到一些重要的事情。

    第一件就是如果沒有較科學的飲食配合對成為素食者可能是有營養不良的危險的。 其實我的症狀是缺乏維生素B-12所造成的,但出現症狀也很類似于缺鐵 (貧血)。我還去了解到天然的 B-12來源是由益身菌,和肉、 蛋和奶中可以覓得其中最佳取得是來自─優酪乳和起司 B-12 對人類健康至關重要。   所以第二天我開始服用維生素B-12 補丸就所有的問題都立得到改善。但我不想每天服用,因為那不是自然的方式,我想還是要天然的最健康。 所以開始將優酪乳和起司加到我的飲食當中。 自幼我的家人對優酪乳的取得非常的謹慎,所以自我小時候住義大利時就開始自己製作自家的優酪乳和起司。

    良好的新鮮優酪乳和起司被認為是"益生菌"。它能完整的消化牛奶使牛奶可以變成人類可高度消化和吸收的有益的食品,有益於我們的消化道組織的良質食品。但優酪乳和起司所使用的原料─牛奶和菌種非常的重要。 不同類型的優酪乳製做的原料與過程,都會產生不同的風味和特色的優酪乳和起司。 甚至影響它的色澤與精風及其營養成份。 那麼健康純淨且美味的優酪乳和起司從開始到節束每一細節都需愛心與細心的呵護。

    3 年前搬到這座城市,它有著近海、靠山和清新的空氣,和周圍有講就健康飲食的華德福學校健康社群。 於是開始著手製作我的家人需要的優酪乳和起司、麵包,更幸運也讓我在屏東覓得不使用賀爾蒙,或除草劑和任何抗生素的純淨牛乳加上我自法國友人取得的菌種與我的愛心,也將這它分享給在宜蘭冬山鄉華德福中小學附近的“友善生活小舖”和在宜蘭的“UriSaBaKiJo咖啡廳。 最近我更要將製造廚房搬到一個近華德福學校的老舊果園,目前正要開始整理。

    這將使我的“宜蘭藍瓶優酪乳”〈Yilan Blue Bottle〉優酪乳和乳酪和麵包更加的精彩。


 My name is Jimi, I come from Seattle Washington, USA, but I have spent my life in Taiwan, Seattle, Iran, Indonesian, and Italy.
My family began eating healthy (less meat, less salt)  when in elementary school.  In university, I became a vegetarian.  In 1990 I began eating only a vegan diet.  After some time of veganism I began to feel weak, see stars, and have black-outs every time I stood up, and I even fainted a few times.  These symptoms looked similar to an iron deficiency, and went on for 6 months.  Upon further research into vegan health issues and problems, I learned some important and relevant things.  The first was that being a vegan can be dangerous, if not not done properly.  It is a science.   
B-12.  A B-12 deficiency would show symptoms similar to iron deficiency (anemia). I also learned that B-12 is naturally made by bacteria and found in meat, eggs, and dairy.. yogurt!.  
B-12 is essential to human health and is a requirement in tiny amounts.  
So the very next day I took a B-12 supplement pill and all the problems stopped immediately.
Not wanting to take a pill daily, I began to make yogurt again and add yogurt and cheese to my diet.  My family had been making yogurt since i was small living in Italy.  
Good fresh yogurt is considered "Probiotic".  It is a living food full of beneficial living organisms that have consumed the milk and changed it into a highly digestible and beneficial food that is good for our digestion and our bodies.  It is very different from milk.  Different types of yogurt are made from different combinations of cultures which give them their flavor and characteristics.   Flavors range from plain milky flavor to very sour.
Regular taking of yogurt aids digestion and encourages health from start to finish.
I moved to Lotung 3 years ago to get out of the city and be near the sea, the mountains, the clean air, and the healthy communities around the Waldorf Schools and their healthy food markets.  Recently i have been restoring an old mountain farm house with a surrounding orchard of Pomello trees in hopes of moving the kitchen out to the farm.
My "Yilan Blue Bottle" yogurts, yogurt cheeses, cheeses and breads are found at the ShauPu health food store, the ci-xing markets, and the UriSaBaKiJo coffee shop in Yilan.
It is wonderful Pintung milk that makes my Yilan Blue Bottle Yogurts.  The farmer doesn't use hormones, or pesticides or antibiotics.
大粒 2011-06-01 22:01:52


有經過我們過鹽水的貴婦潤飾過! 2011-06-05 23:40:06