2004-10-06 00:09:44尚未設定

~*~*Mum go back to H.K~*~*

today is sunny day~*~*mum back to hk la.><"..so unhappy....ho miss her ga ma~*~*a month ar...can't see her a month...><"...god god god><"....went to school...had english,maths,scince....so busy in coursework ar today...secine ho fan....english ho hard=.=....maths....make my brain messy dol die...=.=...at lunch time LokYan sang jor a song super funny...laudgh die me and john~*~*kakaka~*~*back home at 3:05p.m then watched tv....and online...see dol silly ar chi ge message...hahahaha~*~*~*sweet dol...die jor~*~*^^mum is not here...so me and LokYan started to do lots of work la=.=...help..........