2022-03-29 14:55:22釋 漢 唐


🙏清海無上師 2022.01.26🙏
🕊The following message is from Supreme Master Ching Hai to Her disciples.
Dearest beloved all initiates, even if you don’t practice what I have imparted to you during the time of initiation, please listen. The pandemic is just one part. Many humans, or the majority of humans will not survive. The end will come, sooner, even. How soon, also depends on Humans’ behavior, repentance, and U-turn or not. But you, my so-called Initiates, disciples, please, take good care of yourself. Please make sure all your food is pure vegan. If it’s not, if you are not sure, if in doubt, better don’t eat it. You don’t even have to purchase any of these plant-based meats, or any other things that are the replacements of animal-people products. You just eat vegetables. Any vegetables you can find and any vegetables that are available to you in your region. They have plenty of nutrition, protein, and anything you need for your wellness already.
Just pray before you eat. Offer the meals to all the saints and sages of the past, present, and future. And eat with all gratefulness and joy in your heart. Gratefulness and joyfulness in your heart, that you have still something to nourish your body. Do not eat anything that is not vegan. And pray as if you are dying, pray as if you need air to live, pray as if you’re drowning. Meditate as much as you can, more than two and a half hours, if you can make it.
Pray in your heart, meditate with all diligence. Please. This is all I can tell you. Not much more I can. The Hour, the end, might come sooner than you expect, than anyone expects. Even if you are my disciples, you must be diligent, practice well, and if you can, tell all your relatives and friends to be vegan and to pray for their survival, if they even listen. This is for you only, because the world out there doesn’t listen to me much.
My heart is aching for all of them. But if they have chosen to go with the negative side, then there’s not much more I can do for them. I meditate well, diligently, I do my work to spread the Saints’ teachings and God’s Blessing through television, but I also pray for them, for everyone. Nevertheless, you, my so-called disciples, please, be diligent. Not just to help yourself, but maybe to lend some of your little blessing to help those around you. The end may come sooner than you think. Very soon. Too soon. Please, heed my words. Even if in all these decades, you might have taken my teachings for granted, please, practice it now. Please meditate.
The end will come too soon, sooner, too soon, if humans do not change to be more benevolent, to be vegan and to repent all their misdeeds. Whether or not they know or not know, they should repent and change. Especially change to the benevolent way of life, to a vegan diet way of life. But maybe they won’t change. Not many. Then the end will come sooner. Too soon. Too soon. Please, take care of yourself. Take good care of yourself spiritually. Meditate, be a pure vegan, and pray, please.
You see, it’s not only the pandemic. The pandemic part is to chase, to trace, to hunt all the bad humans until the last one. But only if they even survive other like disasters that would come from the sky, comets, for example, and other disasters that are going to destroy humans and the world. So the pandemic isn’t the only thing that you should worry about. That’s all I can say to you. The end could come very sudden. No one has time to prepare, if they don’t change. And any survivor at all of all these other man-made or Heaven-made disasters will be traced, will be hunted down, till the last one.
No one will escape this time. They promised to spare you, my so-called disciples, but you must be good, you must be really good humans, good practitioners. Even if all these years, you did not, there’s still time, still time to make up for it. Please repent well. Repent sincerely with all your heart, and redo, redo it. I mean, begin again, and fast. Otherwise, you will not be counted as my so-called disciples. Please, please. I love you. God loves you. Please, take good care of yourself. Thank you.