2010-03-16 03:17:29奔跑賽程~~

Brother Lee's Fellowship(Summer Training 1974)

ife is mysterious for life is God Himself.

God's intention was that man would take Him into man, and that man might become a man of life,that is, a man of God, a God-man.

But man was tempted and seduced to take knowledge into himself.

So man got fallen and become a man of knowledge.

Knowledge came part from the source of Satan.

And knowledge became the dominating factor of the fallen man.

The entire human culture is the development of this knowledge in the fallen man.

So the man created by God to fulfill His purpose failed God and became a failure.

Then God came in the person of the Son to become a man by the name Jesus.

This second man lived on this earth for thirty-three and a half years to set up an example, a model, [of] how man can and has to live by God as life.

After setting up such an example, He went to the cross and He died there.

By His death, He terminated the old man of knowledge with all the negative things.

And then He went into death and He conquered death, and He subdued death, and He came out of death in resurrection.

By being resurrection from among the dead, He was made [and] transfigured into the life-giving Spirit.

Now, Hallelujah, the very God, the Creator, the Redeemer, becomes the life-giving Spirit.

When we believed in Him and called on His name,He came into us as the life-giving Spirit to dwell in our spirit.

By this, He the very Triune God as the life-giving Spirit mingles Himself with our spirit.

So then we are one spirit with Him.

By this spirit, we walk, we have our being, we think, we act, we think things.

Hallelujah, we are now in this spirit. So we have to get our mind on this mingled spirit, day by day hour after hour.

It is by this spirit that we shall be saved in His life.

And it is by this spirit that we shall reign in life.

It is by this spirit that we shall be freed from the indwelling sin, that is, to be freed from the law of sin and death.

It is by this spirit that life will be imparted even into our mortal body.

It is by this spirit that we shall be sanctified, that is to be saved from being common, from being worldly.

It is by this spirit that we shall be transformed from our matural life, that is to be saved daily from being natural.

It is by this spirit that we will be conformed to the image of Christ the firstborn Son of God, that is, to be saved from being self-like.

And it is also by this spirit that we will be built up into one Body, that is to be saved from being individualistic.

Now we all have to see, this is what we mean by life.

Life is God, and life is Christ and life is the Spirit.

It is by this life that we are all one in the Lord's recovery.

It is also by this life that our phyaical body will be transfigured into His glory, that is, the redumption of our body.

We are waiting expecting and looking forword to this.

May all the glory to be the Lord and to the Father and to the Spirit.

And may all the blessings with grace and peace to all the dear saints in the Lord's recovery throughout all the earth forever,AMEN!




