2008-07-09 18:04:11LF

Paco de Lucía and Sara Baras carry the Olympic Torch

Paco de Lucía and Sara Baras carry the Olympic Torch through Madrid
On June 27th the Olympic Torch was carried through the city of Madrid, candidate to host the 2012 Olympics. Upon setting off, the Madrid municipal government organized a concert where flamenco was the star of the day. Sara Baras and her company and Paco de Lucía with the group that is accompanying him on his tour of Spain, offered their music to the world.

“Música para el adios” (‘farewell music’) was the title of the concert held in the Cibeles plaza not far from where Spain’s Prince of Asturias lit the Olympic flame at twelve noon. Despite the scorching temperatures many flamenco fans turned out to see Paco de Lucía who as of today still has no scheduled performance for Madrid on his current tour. Sara Baras is one of the best-known flamenco artists outside of Spain, and Paco de Lucía, without a doubt, the best ambassador in the world, which was the organization’s objective in order to spread the flamenco word by means of the most symbolic representatives of Spanish music.

Each of the stars performed for a little over a half hour, Sara Baras and her company with a choreography specially created for the occasion based on Olympic motifs. Paco de Lucía who was tremendously successful the previous night in Granada’s Festival Internacional de Música y Danza, appeared with his complete group including Duquende, Montse Cortés, La Tana, Alain Pérez, Piraña, Niño Josele and Antonio Serrano with a half hour of pieces from his latest record “Cositas Buenas” and reprising his most universal composition “Entre dos Aguas” which drove the audience wild with delight. Noteworthy was Antonio Serrano’s harmonica that Paco has incorporated into his music, and hence, into flamenco, and which sounds marvelously flamenco.

To close, Paco de Lucía had Sara Baras go up to dance some bulerías and give everyone the satisfaction of seeing the dancer together with the maestro.
