2012-01-14 13:32:05Linda

烤蘆筍 Grilled Asparagus


烤蘆筍 Grilled Asparagus   

這道菜吸菜中吃 蘆筍要切段 如果用在西餐盤飾

就要保持整條蘆筍來煮 排盤較漂亮

1 蘆筍 (洗淨)  /  1 bunch of asparagus (washed)

3 T  蔬菜油杯        /  3 T vegetable oil 

¼ parmesan cheese  /  ¼ cup parmesan cheese

2 T 大蒜奶油   /  2 T garlic butter 

 (1塊大蒜 切小丁放奶油內)  (1 cloves garlic  small diced in butter)

& 胡椒     /  Salt and pepper

½ 檸檬汁  /     ½ lemon for juice


作法:      Method: (how to make it)

1.    Heat cast iron grill pan or wok

熱鑄鐵平底鍋, 鐵鍋

2.    Add oil


3.    Add asparagus


4.    Grill over high heat for 3-4 minutes, depending on size

高熱烤3-4分鐘, 視體積大小而定

5.    Add chopped garlic, cook for 45 seconds, don’t let garlic burn

加入切碎的大蒜,45秒, 別讓大蒜燒焦

6.    Reduce heat, add butter with butter, salt and pepper, sprinkle with parmesan cheese and lemon juice

改小火,加入調有鹽&胡椒的牛油,撒上parmesan cheese &檸檬汁