材料雞腿 4支
薑片 20片
蒜粒 10顆
蔴油 6 T
米酒 6 T
醬油膏 5 T
糖 2 T
九層塔 少許
做法1雞腿切塊 用餐紙吸乾水分
2熱鍋入蔴郵爆香薑片 蒜粒
再入雞腿 稍炒變色
3續入米酒 醬油膏 悶9分熟
PS 可另煮些麵線拌蒜墊底再盛三杯雞
蒜粒另外炸 會更漂亮
l 4 pieces of chicken (leg+thigh)
l 20 slices of ginger root
l 10 cloves of garlic
l 6tbs of sesame oil
l 6tbs rice wine
l 5tbs soy sauce paste
l 2tbs sugar
l 1 bunch basil
1. Cut each piece of chicken into approximately 6 pieces and dry with paper towel.
2. Heat frying pan and then caramelize ginger in sesame oil. Then add garlic until caramelized. Lastly, add chicken.
3. Add rice wine and soy sauce paste and place the lid on the pan until the chicken is nearly cooked through.
4. Add sugar and place on highest. Cook until it reduces and most of the water evaporates
5 Add basil on tap
5. Turn off the heat and add basilleaves..