2004-11-22 15:19:07Linch












Why Vitamin E Can Damage Your Health
Source: Herald, The; Glasgow (UK)
Publication date: 2004-11-11

HIGH-dose vitamin E supplements could shorten your life, scientists
Warned yesterday.

Research showed that daily doses of the vitamin above 400 International units (iu) were associated with an increased risk of early death. Even taking moderate amounts higher than 200iu was considered risky.

Many supplements bought from health stores and pharmacists contain
400iu to 800iu of vitamin E per capsule.

The recommended daily allowance ( RDA ) for the vitamin is just 15iu.

Vitamin E is taken by millions of Britons because of its potent
Antioxidant properties. It is said to protect the heart, reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system.

Previously it was not thought to be harmful except in very high doses
Above 1000iu, which can cause blood thinning.

However, American scientists yesterday urged people to watch their
intake of vitamin E, and avoid high doses.

Dr Edgar Miller, a chief researcher at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, said: "Our study results do not support the use of high-dose vitamin E supplements. If people are taking a multivitamin, they should make sure it contains no more than a low dose of vitamin E."

The scientists pooled data from 19 clinical trials carried out between 1993 and this year involving more than 136,000 patients in North America, Europe and China. Most of the patients in the trials were aged over 60, and had pre-existing conditions, such as heart disease. Each study compared the outcome of taking vitamin E with taking a placebo.

Eleven trials involved vitamin E supplements at doses of 400iu or
above. Nine of the trials showed an increased risk of premature death for patients taking the vitamin.

A further eight trials involved low dose vitamin E users. Doses of
200iu or less were not associated with a higher risk of early death, and there was evidence they might be beneficial.

However when the dose exceeded 200iu, patients died at a faster rate
than those who did not take supplements.

Study participants who took more than 400iu of vitamin E a day had a
roughly 10% higher chance of dying early than those who did not.

The findings were presented yesterday at the American Heart
Association's Scientific Sessions meeting in New Orleans.

Natural sources of vitamin E include vegetable oils, nuts and green
Leafy vegetables.

Dr Miller said that typically about six to 10iu of vitamin E was
obtained from diet, but supplements could increase intake 100-fold.

The researchers said more work was needed to investigate the effects of vitamin E, on its own or in combination with other vitamins.