2007-01-22 02:30:39-[ 阿搞 ]-

Sonethings wrong

somethings wrong rite now

the plots of these stories alwayz turn on luv triangles...

I dont like this feelin ...

I’m lied n I cheatted ....n a little more

But muxh less than u

u can’t realli understood what I’m thinkin

even you knew what I’m thought

But u dont even understand....how is my feelin !!

anyway.....I dun expect you to bring me somethin to be happy

But the only thing that I care about is ...

I hope u can think about it by urself...when u got any problems..

I hope u can answer all da questions.....

whatever.......I’m gonna to bring you ” happy ”

happy together forever........

If there is not a person that you dependence..

then I’ll be that one ..

But I’m always losed ....