這些人宣稱,美國人乃是”Anglo-Saxon civilization” 的後裔,愛好自由與民主。而華人卻是愚笨又沒政治能力的低賤工人,習於專制統治。如果讓他們取得公民身分,將會”begin the wreck of the Republic” for “there would be a new element introduced into the governing power of this nation, 不能which would be the most venal, irresponsible, ignorant, and vicious of all the bad elements which have been infused into the body-politic—an element disloyal to American intuitions, inimical to republican liberty, scornful of American civilization, not fit for self-government and unfit to participate in the government of others—a people destitute of conscience or the moral sense.” (看,多少壞形容詞加在一起)……這些話,跟釋字618號解釋認為大陸人民不懂民主自由,所以就算定居設籍又通過考試,也還不配當公務員,其實有異曲同工之O耶。
他們還真的通過了這樣的法律,不承認出生於美國的華人之子為美國公民。還好後來被美國最高法院在 Wong Kim Ark v. United States, 169 U.S. 649 (1869)幹掉了。