2009-10-15 13:29:52Little Angel

Someday will be alright

I thought i will be alright..

I used to be the girl that u will call me middle of the night
u're the one i want to call when i have sthing want to share with
or when i had upset mood, u r always the one can make me laugh
but now.. who can i call to? who can i share my feeling with?

Can i tell u i miss u so much?
Can i tell u i want to see u so badly?
I keep my word, I still miss you a lot a lot n a lot..

Can i tell u i don't want u to call her?
Can i tell u i felt so bad when i heard she laugh?
Hour and hours passed, my heart just keep bleeding and bleeding..

Can i call u whenever i want?
Can u pick up my phone all the time?
I still want to be the girl as old time like we did..