2007-07-31 01:14:17*FancyLenG *
愉景灣 下回
今次再來Discovery Bay. The Feeling is different. Your Parents also come. I enjoy being with them. Cos I often feel their luv for you from their eyes and words. So admire you that you have a super super 48 Parents.. Cant find any couple like them.
今天個地方很多人..好hot~~~我塗左好多防曬呀~~~ 每當想起你用手指點一點來塗就好想笑...........超好笑.....
看見你在埸上打..還真hot呢~ 我在遠處偷影你架
今次再來Discovery Bay. The Feeling is different. Your Parents also come. I enjoy being with them. Cos I often feel their luv for you from their eyes and words. So admire you that you have a super super 48 Parents.. Cant find any couple like them.
今天個地方很多人..好hot~~~我塗左好多防曬呀~~~ 每當想起你用手指點一點來塗就好想笑...........超好笑.....
看見你在埸上打..還真hot呢~ 我在遠處偷影你架
add oil!! add oil!!!!
我放大到12來影架... 還算影到老公架~~~
我放大到12來影架... 還算影到老公架~~~
打完一埸 .. 你就去降温喇~~ 影你swim既靚姿先!!!
不停咁影你呀~~~ auntie一定又admire我地落左水~ 她又再join埋... 好得意~~~~~~
不停咁影你呀~~~ auntie一定又admire我地落左水~ 她又再join埋... 好得意~~~~~~
今次拎左冠軍既朋友~~ 下次再打就更有目標喇~~
我地4個好開心~~~ 你要永遠都拖實我隻手呀..保暖呀~~~ 你是我的暖水壺~~^3^
30/7 今天的小插曲
話說有人late左...令到某人好angry!! ./. 吃了個靜靜又快快既dinner... 吃完後..某人才稍為心情好了一點兒!!!!!
雖然有人du左..但都唔好講呢句野出來.....好angry!!! super x 10000000000000000n times hate this word!!! should not speak them out easily ga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally .........seems settled!!!!
之後又繼續lum lum的生活~~~~
老公~~~^3^~~~~ 想你愛你錫你lum你和du你~~ ^^
我地4個好開心~~~ 你要永遠都拖實我隻手呀..保暖呀~~~ 你是我的暖水壺~~^3^
30/7 今天的小插曲
話說有人late左...令到某人好angry!! ./. 吃了個靜靜又快快既dinner... 吃完後..某人才稍為心情好了一點兒!!!!!
雖然有人du左..但都唔好講呢句野出來.....好angry!!! super x 10000000000000000n times hate this word!!! should not speak them out easily ga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally .........seems settled!!!!
之後又繼續lum lum的生活~~~~
老公~~~^3^~~~~ 想你愛你錫你lum你和du你~~ ^^
ohno~~~du me??keke